TEOTWAWKI - The Revenge of Gaia


The climate centres around the world, which are the equivalent of the pathology lab of a hospital, have reported the Earth's physical condition, and the climate specialists see it as seriously ill, and soon to pass into a morbid fever that may last as long as 100,000 years. I have to tell you, as members of the Earth's family and an intimate part of it, that you and especially civilisation are in grave danger.

We are responsible and will suffer the consequences: as the century progresses, the temperature will rise 8 degrees centigrade in temperate regions and 5 degrees in the tropics.

Much of the tropical land mass will become scrub and desert, and will no longer serve for regulation; this adds to the 40 per cent of the Earth's surface we have depleted to feed ourselves.

We will do our best to survive, but sadly I cannot see the United States or the emerging economies of China and India cutting back in time, and they are the main source of emissions. The worst will happen and survivors will have to adapt to a hell of a climate.

More gloom and doom from the left-wing environmentists. But hey, it's a good excuse to buy more ammo!
It is not going to get warmer. Temperatures will plummet rapidly sending us into an instant Ice Age. It has to be true because I saw it in a movie!

Of course either disaster will point out one flaw in the logic of the left. Who do they want to be holed up with? People on the right who are armed and have prepared themselves for emergencies or those on the left waiting for government assistance?
IMO, this theory of Global Warming is a big hoax. Their theory is the earth is warming due to release of CO2 from burning fossil fuel. There is another theory that says that the levels of CO2 aren’t from anything man is doing, but rather a natural process of releasing CO2 from the oceans, and that it proceeds an ice age.
We haven’t fully recovered from the Little Ice Age that lasted from about 1100 to 1850.
When tempted to think it is too warm, remember when the Vikings got to what is now Greenland, the reason it was called Greenland is because it was green. The Vikings were gone by 1250 because it was no longer green, and it hasn’t been green since.
Hey, give me a well stocked bunker with a 1000yrd range, lots of guns, a top drawer reloading outfit, and say 20 wives and I'm cool with teotwawki!
We are responsible and will suffer the consequences: as the century progresses, the temperature will rise 8 degrees centigrade in temperate regions and 5 degrees in the tropics.

Well, actually there is some graphic proof available that we are not responsible for global warming. Global warming is caused by a change in the 'solar constant', the amount of radiation released by the sun. This explains the big cycles of cooling and warming which have been taking place for hundreds of millions of years.


There are also changes based on ocean circulation patterns. More recent glaciation cycles are possibly due to the closure of the Central American isthmus and due to deep ocean current changes caused by the landlocked Arctic Ocean and the separation of Australia from Antarctica.

(warning, big file)

Just like a bunch of Koolaide drinking liberals to blame us for millions of years of natural changes. :rolleyes:
I could have sworn putting teotwawki in the subject line earned an automatic thread locking.... ??

Meek is right. The state of the science is that it is unequivocally clear that the earth is warming. However, it has not yet been proven that man's activities (generating O3 etc) is contributing to the warming. However, *more likely than not*, man's activities ARE contributing at least some to the global warming. IMO, we should seek to reduce greenhouse gas emissions as a world. The results can and will be disastrous if it continues to warm. But if it puts the CA coast under water, could that be all bad? Would be a shame to see FL under water though... Once thing is for sure; if Ray Nagin succeeds in rebuilding his city without the funding for cat 5 dykes, then that disaster will repeat in a matter of a fairly short time, because hurricanes are getting stronger due to ocean warming.
Every time I see this acronymn (TEOTWAWKI), I think of...
