Tennessee Legislature Overrides Governor's Veto of Gun Bill

Yesterday the Tennessee Legislature overrode Gov Bredensen's veto (first override ever for him) of a bill that allows CCW in places that serve alcohol. The bill specifies that if you carry in a place that serves alcohol you may not drink and that businesses (as they always could) may ban carry on private property.

The media of course is upset and keep repeating cliches such as "guns and alcohol don't mix", "drunks with guns in bars" and the ever popular "blood will run in streets". Of course the law doesn't allow for any of the above but I am glad there is yet another "place" taken off Gun Free Zone list where Law abiding citizens may carry legally. State parks are next.
Although I do like our governor because he is one of those very rare 'conservative democrats' I'm glad he was over rode.
I thought it was very interesting that 3 newspapers I saw called it like a 'guns in bars' law. I was thinking more in line with an Applebees, O'Charlie's, or Ruby Tuesday's.

I haven't read the law. So, Tennessee Gentleman .... I still can't have a beer with a steak if I'm carrying?
Dragon55 said:
So, Tennessee Gentleman .... I still can't have a beer with a steak if I'm carrying?

You may not. I agree with you about Bredesen. He has been a good Governor but he was wrong on this bill. I hope he does not veto anymore of them.
Lucky for you guys. Us Virginians have been trying for the same thing for a couple of years now. This is like the third year in a row it passed the legislators and was killed by the Gov. Luckily his term is up, so we'll see what happens next year.

I still think the "guns and alcohol doesnt mix" bit is pretty funny, considered is specifically states in the law: "no drinking while carrying concealed."
You don't like Bredesen? I think he is the best Gov since Lamar Alexander.

He lost me with the 3.6 million dollar underground party crib, AND the fact he tried to block this legislation only makes me dislike him more.

On a side note, I wonder how many restaurants I'm gonna have to stop patronizing due to a no firearms policy? No gun, No $
I am overjoyed that this legislation passed. Have been watching it very closely. See another thread here

Dragon55, here is the text of the bill:

By McCord
By Jackson
AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 39,
Chapter 17, relative to firearms.
SECTION 1. Tennessee Code Annotated, Section 39-17-1305(c), is amended by
adding the following language as a new, appropriately designated subdivision:
(A) Authorized to carry a firearm under § 39-17-1351 who is not
consuming beer, wine or any alcoholic beverage, and is within the confines of a
restaurant that is open to the public, serves alcoholic beverages, wine or beer,
and is not an age-restricted venue as defined in § 39-17-1802.
(B) As used in this subdivision (c)(3), “restaurant” means any public
place kept, used, maintained, advertised and held out to the public as a place
where meals are served and where meals are actually and regularly served, such
place being provided with adequate and sanitary kitchen and dining room
equipment, having employed therein a sufficient number and kind of employees
to prepare, cook and serve suitable food for its guests. At least one (1) meal per
day shall be served at least five (5) days a week, with the exception of holidays,
vacations and periods of redecorating, and the serving of such meals shall be the
principal business conducted.
(C) This subdivision (c)(3) is subject to the provisions of § 39-17-1359,
permitting a property owner to post notices on such property prohibiting firearms.
SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon becoming a law, the public welfare requiring

It's funny to see all the press about the restaurants making up signs prohibiting firearms. They apparently haven't read the part of the TCA that specifies what sort of sign is legal. The international symbol for "no guns" doesn't work per the law.

You don't like Bredesen? I think he is the best Gov since Lamar Alexander.

I voted for Alexander for Senate. Unfortunately he voted against the amendment to the Credit Card bill allowing National Park carry. Bredesen (his assistant) did respond to my email regarding why he chose to veto. I'll spare you: supporter of the 2nd amendment, guns and alcohol don't mix, etc.

Outcast, I will be having several of those cards printed up. It has already been reported a quote from the owner of one of our favorite local restaurants, that he intends to post. He'll be the first recipient.:D

Have you read about how Nashville city council is trying to sidestep the law with their beer licensing? The CA reports about those efforts in todays article: http://www.commercialappeal.com/news/2009/jun/04/guns--restaurants-bill-goes-effect-july-14-after-s/ :barf::barf:

I don't think that will be legal will it?
I don't think that will be legal will it?

I think you are going to see some of the same restaurant owners that were against the original bill climb over one another to fight this, Why come into Nashville to eat when I can easily go to any of the other cities around it to some of the same establishments, and not have to deal with "Krazy Karl's" (Mayor Dean) ideas? He will try to pass some "ordinance" but it will likely get shot down . :D Metro's for "tourists" anyways.

Oh, and I'm in Memphis a lot on business, as long as Top's and Corky's don't go NGA I'm good! :D
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OuTcAsT said:
He lost me with the 3.6 million dollar underground party crib,

Yeah, I think they should have bought the pot cave but he sure is better than Sunquist who wanted an income tax. Anyway, I see some use in that believe it or not and you know he fixed up the Gov's mansion with no taxes.

I like the Rendevouz.
They need to do that everywhere. We can carry in bars in portland but not across the river in Vancouver. That is why we never go to any bars in Vancouver.
I found this:

39-17-1314. Local regulation of firearms and ammunition preempted by state regulation — Actions against firearms or ammunition manufacturers, trade associations or dealers. —

(a) No city, county, or metropolitan government shall occupy any part of the field of regulation of the transfer, ownership, possession or transportation of firearms, ammunition or components of firearms or combinations thereof; provided, that the provisions of this section shall be prospective only and shall not affect the validity of any ordinance or resolution lawfully enacted before April 8, 1986.

Anyone think that this means a city couldn't do something like Nashville is trying to do? Here from the CA article linked to in my other post above (emphasis mine):
Some Nashville Metro Council members are studying a proposal to use alcohol-control laws to keep handguns out of establishments that serve beer in Nashville and Davidson County, reports The Tennessean newspaper.

Council members believe the new law can be sidestepped by adding a restriction to beer permits. The restriction would prohibit businesses that hold beer permits from letting anyone bring a gun inside.

About 1,500 bars and restaurants would be covered by the restriction. Establishments that serve only wine or liquor — and no beer — would be exempt because they are regulated by the state, not Metro.

It does sound like a harebrained idea, though. I'm sure the CA is just trying to drum up support for a similar idea here. They have been nothing if not one-sided on the issue.

as long as Top's and Corky's don't go NGA I'm good!

That would be a tragedy since we're close enough to Corky's to hit the drive-through for some "fast food". Yes, I'll take a slab of dry ribs, please! :D:D They might have to be the exception, though. When you can take it home with you, who needs to go in anyway? No law against carrying in the drive-through.:cool:
Good use of the override by the TN Leg folks!

TN is on my short list of places to move when I retire. Hopefully, they'll keep on passing laws like this.
Thanx Tom Servo for alerting to that 10th amendment site. It will be interesting to see how using the 10th amendment to assert 2nd amendment rights plays out.

I wonder about the ammo I 'manufacture' from 'basic' materials.

Also, I wonder how many manufacturers of firearms and firearms related goods are currently inside TN borders.
Local news agencies reporting that Mayor Dean's attempt at an end run around State law was deemed illegal, so Nashville will be just like everyone else ! :)