Jeez, I thought I was a pessimist. Just ran across this on the 'net.
This guy makes some good points:
As much as I think it will be even more destructive to what little is left of the republic than the current
first felon's maladministration, based on the reasons listed below I find it inconceivable that Algore
will not be the next prez.
I hope I'm wrong, but doubt it.
I will concede that #9 might be the one I am wrong about, but even that is not likely to do the trick.
10. Most of America is apathetic. In the face of what there is to be passionate about regarding the
perfidy of the Clintonistas in every nook and cranny of their criminal cabal, Algore is singing in the
9. There is no "Clinton fatigue". In a nation where Oprah and Jerry and Jennie and Leeza are
esteemed public figures, scandal fatigue isn't a concept with any real weight; it is wishful thinking.
Point to Algore.
8. Most of America is profoundly ignorant. Just ask the man on the street about any facts regarding
science, technology, history, politics, or anything beyond popular entertainment and you will most
likely get a blank stare. It is a population whose gullibility knows no limits. (Need I really count the
ways?) And who are the most accomplished con men and BS slingers? Point to Algore.
7. Most of America is exceedingly stupid and unwise. Perhaps nowhere is this more manifest than in
their understanding of economics, which is at its root nothing more than a system for decision-making
(an exercise in wisdom). Americans haven't a clue about how wealth is created nor destroyed. They
can't see past their own wallets or past today. America believes there are humongous budget
surpluses just around the corner. America believes that Social Security is a great thing, and has been
saved by the Democrats, and the Republicans are trying to destroy it (how I wish it were so!). Point
to Algore.
6. A majority of America despises liberty. Recent studies confirm that left to the devices of modern
America, the Bill of Rights would have never seen the light of day. The Constitution itself would be
unrecognizably different. Americans are committed to using government as a pimp, a whore, and a
kneecapper consumed only with taking the privileges and properties of one person and transferring
them to another person to whom they do not belong. A large majority of America loves tyranny, and
so do the Democrats. Point to Algore.
5. The *establishment* despises conservatism, as the establishment serves at the feet of the left. In
fact, conservatism is but a splinter minority point of view. Arguments to the contrary that say *Look
at Reagan* forget that Reagan was a generation ago. 1994 was a fluke (the proof is in the pudding -
the *Revolution* became the Oral Hatch Era of Capitulation. Despite fulfilling each promise of the
*Contract With America* congressional conservatives have been powerless to stem the growth in
the size, scope, power, and influence of the government.) Churches, schools, courts, politicians,
popular culture, and the news media have so demonized conservatism that the public fears
conservatives more than they fear the Communist Chinese. Any one who argues that *Only if
America knew what we stood for* simply doesn't get it. The American establishment and their
mind-numbed robots despise probity, virtue, liberty, self respect, self responsibility, independence,
and any form of decent morality. Point to Algore.
4. America is a land where having virtue is no virtue. Traditional virtue is the proof of a judgmental,
repressive, patriarchic hatred-based values system. Debauchery is a sign that you are in touch with
the people. America loves its Pervert-in-Chief; a sexual predator, sociopath, and traitor. Thinking
that *America would turn if only they knew* is mindless dreaming. America knows. The equally
delusional posture that America will *turn on* Bubba (and Algore) now that impeachment is over
and he is safe (the backlash theory) is discredited by its own assumptions. It simply reveals America
to be even more cynical and debauched than we thought previously. Even if backlash occurs as
predicted, it simply points the way to an even more corrupted culture. *Everybody does it, and all
politicians are equally guilty.* Anti-thought wins, and point to Algore, the king of Buddhist fund
3. The establishment leftist media loves Algore and his evil mentor, and will do whatever is necessary
to keep them ensconced. The media has failed to report on a mind-numbing series of Algore's faux
pas that make Dan Quayle look like Einstein. Furthermore, regardless of how much money Dubya
can raise, he can never compete with a billion dollars worth of positive news PR provided by
Peterdantom. Sure, Algore is a stiff. But perception is reality, and the media is perception. Look for
Algore to undergo a media make-over persuading the electorate that he is a charismatic ball of fire
akin to Jerry Lee Lewis. Point and game to Algore.
2. Most of America wants to live as a kept woman. The role of the society, and its mechanism the
government, is to provide every want and desire conceivable by the citizenry, to make sure that
everyone is safe and comfy. They adore the candidates who promise them the most (regardless of
whether delivery on promises is made * only the expression of *compassion* is important). Anything
or anyone who confronts or threatens this status quo is the enemy, and must be destroyed. Why vote
for a pretend or effete socialist when you can get the virulent real thing? Point, game, and set to
1. The single most important element in Algore's favor is that he will be running against a Republican.
The GOP establishment has an almost incomprehensible ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of
victory. Reagan had to fight the party establishment tooth and nail just to win and make what
minuscule progress he did. They were in such a strong position in1996 that I thought *They could
nominate a dead man and beat o* Slick!* Well, much to my surprise they did nominate a cadaver.
Only I was wrong about who would win. The inept GOP establishment has made it impossible for
the visionaries elected in 1994 to have meaningful impact. The GOP has virtually no ability to
envision a useful agenda, even less ability to articulate it, an absolutely no ability to enact it. Their
self-destruction will become manifest once again, and Algore will be the beneficiary. Point, game,
set, and match to Algore.
Hail to the Chief.
From the belly of the beast....
This guy makes some good points:
As much as I think it will be even more destructive to what little is left of the republic than the current
first felon's maladministration, based on the reasons listed below I find it inconceivable that Algore
will not be the next prez.
I hope I'm wrong, but doubt it.
I will concede that #9 might be the one I am wrong about, but even that is not likely to do the trick.
10. Most of America is apathetic. In the face of what there is to be passionate about regarding the
perfidy of the Clintonistas in every nook and cranny of their criminal cabal, Algore is singing in the
9. There is no "Clinton fatigue". In a nation where Oprah and Jerry and Jennie and Leeza are
esteemed public figures, scandal fatigue isn't a concept with any real weight; it is wishful thinking.
Point to Algore.
8. Most of America is profoundly ignorant. Just ask the man on the street about any facts regarding
science, technology, history, politics, or anything beyond popular entertainment and you will most
likely get a blank stare. It is a population whose gullibility knows no limits. (Need I really count the
ways?) And who are the most accomplished con men and BS slingers? Point to Algore.
7. Most of America is exceedingly stupid and unwise. Perhaps nowhere is this more manifest than in
their understanding of economics, which is at its root nothing more than a system for decision-making
(an exercise in wisdom). Americans haven't a clue about how wealth is created nor destroyed. They
can't see past their own wallets or past today. America believes there are humongous budget
surpluses just around the corner. America believes that Social Security is a great thing, and has been
saved by the Democrats, and the Republicans are trying to destroy it (how I wish it were so!). Point
to Algore.
6. A majority of America despises liberty. Recent studies confirm that left to the devices of modern
America, the Bill of Rights would have never seen the light of day. The Constitution itself would be
unrecognizably different. Americans are committed to using government as a pimp, a whore, and a
kneecapper consumed only with taking the privileges and properties of one person and transferring
them to another person to whom they do not belong. A large majority of America loves tyranny, and
so do the Democrats. Point to Algore.
5. The *establishment* despises conservatism, as the establishment serves at the feet of the left. In
fact, conservatism is but a splinter minority point of view. Arguments to the contrary that say *Look
at Reagan* forget that Reagan was a generation ago. 1994 was a fluke (the proof is in the pudding -
the *Revolution* became the Oral Hatch Era of Capitulation. Despite fulfilling each promise of the
*Contract With America* congressional conservatives have been powerless to stem the growth in
the size, scope, power, and influence of the government.) Churches, schools, courts, politicians,
popular culture, and the news media have so demonized conservatism that the public fears
conservatives more than they fear the Communist Chinese. Any one who argues that *Only if
America knew what we stood for* simply doesn't get it. The American establishment and their
mind-numbed robots despise probity, virtue, liberty, self respect, self responsibility, independence,
and any form of decent morality. Point to Algore.
4. America is a land where having virtue is no virtue. Traditional virtue is the proof of a judgmental,
repressive, patriarchic hatred-based values system. Debauchery is a sign that you are in touch with
the people. America loves its Pervert-in-Chief; a sexual predator, sociopath, and traitor. Thinking
that *America would turn if only they knew* is mindless dreaming. America knows. The equally
delusional posture that America will *turn on* Bubba (and Algore) now that impeachment is over
and he is safe (the backlash theory) is discredited by its own assumptions. It simply reveals America
to be even more cynical and debauched than we thought previously. Even if backlash occurs as
predicted, it simply points the way to an even more corrupted culture. *Everybody does it, and all
politicians are equally guilty.* Anti-thought wins, and point to Algore, the king of Buddhist fund
3. The establishment leftist media loves Algore and his evil mentor, and will do whatever is necessary
to keep them ensconced. The media has failed to report on a mind-numbing series of Algore's faux
pas that make Dan Quayle look like Einstein. Furthermore, regardless of how much money Dubya
can raise, he can never compete with a billion dollars worth of positive news PR provided by
Peterdantom. Sure, Algore is a stiff. But perception is reality, and the media is perception. Look for
Algore to undergo a media make-over persuading the electorate that he is a charismatic ball of fire
akin to Jerry Lee Lewis. Point and game to Algore.
2. Most of America wants to live as a kept woman. The role of the society, and its mechanism the
government, is to provide every want and desire conceivable by the citizenry, to make sure that
everyone is safe and comfy. They adore the candidates who promise them the most (regardless of
whether delivery on promises is made * only the expression of *compassion* is important). Anything
or anyone who confronts or threatens this status quo is the enemy, and must be destroyed. Why vote
for a pretend or effete socialist when you can get the virulent real thing? Point, game, and set to
1. The single most important element in Algore's favor is that he will be running against a Republican.
The GOP establishment has an almost incomprehensible ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of
victory. Reagan had to fight the party establishment tooth and nail just to win and make what
minuscule progress he did. They were in such a strong position in1996 that I thought *They could
nominate a dead man and beat o* Slick!* Well, much to my surprise they did nominate a cadaver.
Only I was wrong about who would win. The inept GOP establishment has made it impossible for
the visionaries elected in 1994 to have meaningful impact. The GOP has virtually no ability to
envision a useful agenda, even less ability to articulate it, an absolutely no ability to enact it. Their
self-destruction will become manifest once again, and Algore will be the beneficiary. Point, game,
set, and match to Algore.
Hail to the Chief.
From the belly of the beast....