Temporary Instructional Tape Trades


New member
I have amassed, over the last decade or so, quite a few video tapes that are related to firearms skills and tactics, gunsmithing, concealed carry, unarmed defense, 2nd Amendment, etc. I now have about 85 tapes that are related to these subjects. At $20 to $40 per tape this comes to quite an investment. The burn is that after I have seen them about 3 times each, I rarely view them again as I usually have the information down pretty good. There are others that I would like to view, but wish to try a different approach than purchasing. I would like to temporarily trade tapes (about two weeks on a 2 for 1 basis) with other individuals who may have interesting or instructional tapes that I do not have.

I am interested mainly in survival, carbine, sniper rifle, counter terrorism, gunsmithing (especially 1911s, asset (human) protection, evasive driving, and improvised weapons; subjects related to those I already have. However, I am a pretty big nut on do-it-yourself subjects in general, as well as unusual history or real life surveillance tapes of actual incidents or encounters. I would also be interested in any instructional flying tapes at a beginners level. There are also two unrelated tapes I would be interested in borrowing or even purchasing outright if in good condition; they are the “original theater version”, not the directors cut, of Blade Runner with Harrison Ford, and the old Casino Royale comedy with David Niven and Woody Allen. Old stuff I know, but then I am an old guy.

Anyway, if anyone is interested in doing this, please e-mail me at the below address and I will reply with an Excel spreadsheet attached showing what I have available.

The way it would work, is we first agree to the tapes to be temporarily traded, then I would send you the two tapes you requested and when they arrived, you send me the tape I requested. Then when I send your tape back and it is received by you, the two you borrowed are sent back to me. This should eliminate any perceived risk on your part. I figure the shipping cost, since the item shipped is media/books etc., would be about $8 each way. Of course it would work out cheaper if you were interested in 4-6 tapes of mine and you had 2-3 I was interested in. All of my stuff is in VHS, but I have a DVD player so either format works on my end.
