Tell the ACLU what you think of their idiotic position


A few years ago, my best friend and I exchanged birthday gifts -- I bought him an NRA membership and he bought me an ACLU membership. (Each of us had objected to things about the other's pet organization and refused to join on our own.)

So even though it's been several years, the dumb ol' anti-gun leftists at the ACLU, who keep parrotting the moronic "collectivist view" of the Second Amendment, have been imploring me in mailings to renew my membership.

I have steadfastly refused. One time, I included a short note explaining that it was their refusal to stand behind the 2A, and some wench wrote back to me sorta condescendingly, and included several deeply flawed articles explaining the anti-gun side. (She even cited the long-debunked "Kellerman study" as evidence for her side!)

Here is the text of a letter I just drafted, which I will be sending back to them on Tuesday (with my own stamp, damn them!).

The reason I cannot bring myself to give you financial support is your continued wrongheaded, stubborn refusal to recognize and defend the Second Amendment as the individual right that it is.

In light of the vast accumulation of scholarly research, debate, and essays pertaining to 2nd Amendment protections, it is baffling that you still adhere to the utterly debunked, intellectually bankrupt "collectivist model" when overwhelmingly the weight of evidence favors the "individual model."

Get your act together. There are millions like me who despise your politically-correct kowtowing to anti-gun leftists. You could have our support if you would simply stop lying about what the Second Amendment really means. Stop biting your nose to spite your face. The amendment means exactly what it says: the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

I may disagree with them on that issue but there are other issues in which I'm in full agreement. For example, they have a very strong stance on asserting your 4th and 5th. I know it seems kinda ridiculous of them to do that when they don't like the 2nd but still it seems that they're one of the biggest supporters of personal privacy.
I couldn't agree more with both of you. When they start supporting all of the rights of American citizens, they will have my support, but not before....
I have ZERO use for the ACLU, there are proven links with some of their people to terrorist organizations. The ACLU is a radical leftwing group that has nothing to do with Liberty and more to do with the self serving radical leftwing agenda. They have done more to hurt this country than to help. Comparing the NRA to the ACLU is like comparing Charlton Heston to Mikhail ( mikey ) Moore. what the ACLU is supposed to be and what it is are extreme opposites, if it stood for what it claims to represent it would benifit America. I interpret ACLU as American - Communism - Lovers - Union. I dont know how many of you remember the American Communist workers party, but the ACLU has some of the same overtones. Just look at the 1963 congressional record of Communist goals and look at the comparision of what the ACLU has accomplished and stood for in America.
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I wouldn't mind if the ACLU would simply shut up and not comment on the 2nd amendment. Going on record about it is an astounding display of stupidity. You'd think a political organization would understand that if it's not going to get involved on an issue, it shouldn't stake out a position.
I don't agree with the UCLA due to their position on child porn and the insistance of fighting for nambla.

Or their fight against crosses, prayer, and Christ in general.

Other than that, their stance on the 2nd is just more fodder of why I will never be a member and will support other organizations that go against them.

The ACLU is only interested in promoting legal arguments that generally benefit criminals (I.E. their membership). They don't care about law abiding citizens.
Founder of the ACLU was a card carrying communist. For a while in the 50's it had some use but in modern times its just a communist pressure group with plans for a new government in the US based on the old USSR's model. If I remember correctly at their DC head quarters they have posted on the outside wall the amendmants to the US Constitution allegedly without the 2nd. Agenda? What agenda? :barf:
I think that they've been pretty instrumental in not letting the other 9 Ammendments of the Bill of Rights go in the tank. I don't like their position on the 2nd. But I think that they're good to have around. ..the ACLU doesn't do any's wrong policies overwhelm anything done on the right side....(which is probably accidental and unintentional anyway)...American-Creeps-Losers-Union...they are against American values...Christian-phobics
My boss listens to that NPR and Pacifika garbage on the radio. ACLU really does stand for Anti-American Communist Lawyer's Union. When they quote the 1st Amendment I swear this is what they say word for word:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Notice the [or prohibiting the free exercise thereof (religion)] is left out. They don't even consider the 2nd Amendment part of the Bill of Rights.

Their main purpose is to defend the enemies of the Constitution. People like Lynne Stewart, Ward Churchill, and those CAIR terrorists. They pick and choose the sections that help malcontents and criminals and disregard the rest.
In these times there are times when NRA and ACLU find themselves on the same side of the fence.

I beleive here in Texas that a person argued on behalf of the ACLU that the car carry law should be passed.

Kind of you hate em sometimes and you love em sometimes realtionship.