Tell Rosie what you think (suvey)


New member
The Rosie O'Donnell Show is taking a survey and wants to know what you think.

Please pass this on to other forums and email to your friends. (My ISP is flaky today and I barely logged onto TFL) Got this from Nancy at the wagc forum.

"A knifeless man is a lifeless man"
-Nordic proverb
I told 'em off about Rosie attacking Tom selleck and refused to take any additonal surveys as we no longer watched the show.
"If we wanted to be preached at, we watch the evangelical shows."

Also clicked "Other" for my ethnicity and type "American, period" in the space allowed.

Small steps, small steps.

The New World Order has a Third Reich odor.
Well, that was fun.

“The whole of the Bill (of Rights) is a declaration of the right of the people at large or considered as individuals. ... It establishes some rights of the individual as unalienable and which consequently, no majority has a right to deprive them of.” -Alexander Addison, 1789
Done ;)

The whole secret of a successful life is to find out what it is one's destiny to do, and then do it.
HENRY FORD, "Success," Forum, October 1928
dumb questions, about a dumb show. does anyone believe that the producers of people with any real "say" will pay such survey any particular attention?
Alan, they don't give a rodent's anus about what we say; but it sure is fun to tweak 'em. "Hey, look, 15000 survey responses!... Uh, make that 500 responses..."

"The right of no person to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person and property,
or in aid of the civil power when thereto legally summoned, shall be called into question.."
Article 11, Section 13, CO state constitution.
Gee, not having TV and not having ever watched her show, it sure made it difficult to answer those questions. I know I did get the one about bashing Tom Selleck right and that was the reason why I won't watch her show now (never mind that I couldn't if I wanted to). What a ball of fun. :) Shame on me for lying.

Rich, DC, Mykl, am I on probation again?

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Most fun I've had in a while.

The new guy.

"I'm totin, this pistol because my dang SKS won't fit in my holster"
Bruce from West Oz....

Good one....


"...What will you do without freedom? Will you fight?... Fight, and you may die, run and you'll live, at least a while. And dying, many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that, for just one chance, one chance, to tell our enemies, that they may take our lives, but they'll never take our FREEDOM!!!"

[This message has been edited by DblTap (edited December 02, 1999).]
from my survey response :)

5. What, if anything, would you have them change about The Rosie O'Donnell Show to make you watch it more?

Make it the "Slap Rosie Like a Pinata Show." Suspend Rosie from the ceiling, if this does not violate the laws of physics, or at the very least the integrity of the building's structure. Then, let people slap her like a pinata. Alternately, place Rosie on a treadmill, and dangle a twinkie in front of her.

Or at the very least, make her stop espousing her feel-good bumper-sticker political rhetoric, and instead, try being funny.

[This message has been edited by TomMarker (edited December 02, 1999).]

5. What, if anything, would you have them change about The Rosie O'Donnell Show to make you watch it more?

My answer:
I am totally turned off...I and probably will never watch the show again.....Well, maybe if she would have a guest on her show like Charlton Heston or Wayne LaPierre or even Vicky Lawrence and conduct herself like a good american, even if her philosophy is different. That would show that she has character....which at this point I really doubt if she has character.

To own firearms is to affirm that freedom and liberty are not gifts from the state.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Rosie, your a big fat idiot.[/quote]

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
Hey - have you seen the new Ultimate Super Tactical Match Gun?