Tell my about my impulse buy...


New member
Hi guys, it's been a good while since I posted here last. I've spent my last 10 wee at lovely ;) Ft. Leonard Wood MO, screaming "Kill Kill Kill" And learning to shoot, move and communicate. Anyway, comming back from army basic training left me a richer man, and to day on my first day back I went out to a sporting goods store.

At the store, the 4 guns they had that I liked were, a Rem. 870 express, a Ruger 22 Hornet, a Win 30/30 and a Browning BPS stalker. After looking at them all I finally desided upon the BPS(12 gauge). Problem is I don't really know much about this gun. It's got a nice dull blue finish, bead sight, and 2 hunting scenes etched on both sides of the action. It's also the 3" version and has a 28 inch barrel. The 870 would of cost me $230, but I had the extra money so I went for the browning which was priced at $480. I didn't shop around, but I'm not to concerned about paying a bit extra because I've always gotten good service and advise at this store. Plus the guy who was selling it to me felt that the BPS was easily the better firearm.

Well enough of my rambling, if any of you guys own one, or know it, could you let me into the pro's/con's of this guy, plus any problems I might have with it out of the box and in the long run.



Self improvement is a hobby of mine :)

[This message has been edited by Adamantium (edited September 09, 2000).]
So are you a full fledged Combat Engineer now? Congradulations.

My cousin has a BPS. A couple of years ago for "shucks and grins" he did a high polish blue job on it and added some fancy wood. It was always a good reliable shotgun. Now it is beautiful enough to befit the name Browning.
I always figure any time someone adds something with the Browning name stamped on it they have made a nice addition to their collection.


I was promised a Shortycicle and I want a Shortycicle!
Nope, I'm field artillary. But because I enlisted in the Guard at 17 I don't go to my AIT over at Ft. Sill until next year when I finally get out of highschool. So for the time being I'm an 11boom-boom.


Self improvement is a hobby of mine :)
Well, I'm what Drill Sergeants call "A Stupid Split Op" Which means I'm doing split option training. This summer I went and did Army Basic, and instead of directly reporting to my AIT, I go back and finish highschool, then I got to my AIT and become a full fledged artillery man. So for Basic, it didn't matter where they sent my because they would have to fly my home anyway. Lost in the Woods must of had the most open training slots at the time. And the army of course being the well oiled machine that it is, sent me to a fort that had no open training slots, and I spent a week and a half waiting for one to open up at the reception batalion.

But hey, at least my DS never had the pleasure of saying to me "If ya can't read or write your an 88mike."


Self improvement is a hobby of mine :)
Before the one station training program, in which our favorite uncle sent us to one base for both hbasic and AIT, Ft. Wood was one of the main basic training bases.
I wish I would have known you were at Ft. Wood on the weekend of August 12/13. We had our meet here in Springfield, MO.. If you could have gotten a weekend pass one of us would have been happy to come and get you. Hell, we have even taken you back before your pass was up. :D


I was promised a Shortycicle and I want a Shortycicle!
So you bought a BPS did you? I bought one last Feb. I shoot skeet, sporting clays, and crows with mine. Shot maybe 3 cases(75o rounds) of shells through it and no problems. Shot in a shoot last weekend and got third. Couple fellas in my squad (atually my cousins) shot 870's and one had some ejection problems with his(It was his lucky day though for he won a $1000 dollar custom 10/22 as a door prise.) I normally shoot 21-22 at skeet. The BPS will serve you well and I think it is as good or better as any pump gun on the market today. Keep that dull finish well oiled though.
P.S. $480? I paid 370 for mine!
Gunslinger: Weekend pass? Ha Ha Ha Ha! Not in my company. We were locked up tight. I didn't call home but 3 times, and go to the troop PX twice. Let alone a weekend pass. Also if my memory serves my correctly, that was about the time my platoon crashed and burned on the company commanders inspection. Out of about 62 M16's, there couldn't of been more than 10 that passed. So we were in fun places like The Pit and The Thunderdome doing all kinds of messed up exercises for hours on end.

Crow: You must of got a good deal, or I got a bad one. Either way this just means all the extra I'll have to shoot it to get my moneys worth out of it :).


Self improvement is a hobby of mine :)
Greetings Adamantium,
I too have a Browning 12 ga BPS and love it. I used it for skeet and trap and can't wait to do some crow-busting. In NYS the damn things are carrying that virus. Anyways, I also have a Remington Express and like the BPS more. I paid $400 for it. Its a beaut. The one thing that bugs me is that you are not supposed to dissamble it or pull the trigger group out. Be sure to buy a hair blower if you shoot in the rain or snow.