Tell me why you think...


New member
Tell me why you think we are forced to disarm before entering a government building.

"When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!

See The Legacy of Gun Control film at:

Do it for the children...
PLain and simple fear of the people of this country.

Bob--- Age and deceit will overcome youth and speed.
I'm old and deceitful.
I think it's because the government knows it has screwed many people in this country for no good reason, and that there are a few of the screwed who might just snap and seek violent revenge.

"Anyone feel like saluting the flag which the strutting ATF and FBI gleefully raised over the smoldering crematorium of Waco, back in April of ‘93?" -Vin Suprynowicz
I agree with the above and would add the Eliteniks (<-- love that word!) want to be the ONLY ones with Rights, power, influence, etc....

Either you believe in the Second Amendment or you don't.
Stick it to 'em! RKBA!
It's simple. The people who write laws want to protect themselves, just like we do, just like everyone does. They can write laws to help accomplish this for themselves. We need the protection of the Second Ammendment.

I wish the SOBs could make the connection.

(No relation to that $%#$ bill)
It could have something to do with the Cuban Nationals who opened fire on... I think it was Congress a few decades back. That tends to make one a bit paranoid. In this day officials are targets of terorism. They can probably not stop a dedicated and skilled attack. But they can and should take precautions. If they did not it would be way to easy for some nutcase to walk up to the pres or a cogresscritter and kill him before the Secret Service knew what was going on.
Citizens are forced to disarm before entering a government building for the same reason a collection agency usually has security cameras everywhere: people are ticked off at them and the people in charge know that.


"The ideal citizen of a tyrannical state is the man or woman who bows in silent obedience in exchange for the status of a well-cared for herd animal." -- Claire Wolfe
Paranoia in government, justly.

Sam I am, grn egs n packin

Nikita Khrushchev predicted confidently in a speech in Bucharest, Rumania on June 19, 1962 that: " The United States will eventually fly the Communist Red Flag...the American people will hoist it themselves."
If you had spent years wasting the public's dollars and giving them the shaft, wouldn't you worry about somebody who's mad as hell and is not gonna take it anymore? I do not advocate shooting up government premises, but I understand why the government fears that someone will.