Tell me about the Glock 26

Mike in VA

New member
Christmas is coming and I've got teh 'I wants'. I've got SIGs, Berettas, H&K, Kimber S&W in the gun locker, but (save the H&K) no plastic fantastics. The G-26 looks like a nice CCW piece, I shoot 9mm well, so tell me, is this a good place to start with Glock Perfection and the safe action trigger. I've only fired one Glock - don't recall the model- was a compact .40, beyond it's basic lightness, I wasn't impressed one way or the other. Thanks, M2
I have the 27 which is the .40 S&W version of the 26. I love it as a carry piece. I use a Lou Alessi "Ghost" IWB holster, and the gun is very, very well concealed.

The gun is very accurate and realiable. I really like it even though I'm not a huge fan of the .40 S&W. I believe that the 26 would be a great choice.
Greetings Mike in VA; I too own the Glock
Model 27 in .40S&W. I carry mine in a Galco
belt slide holster; no one can tell you even
have a weapon, unless you were to wear it
exposed which is a no-no here in Alabama.
Love the gun and rig, rides comfortable
from dress cloth'es to blue jeans and a tee

Best Wishes,

Ala Dan
Hi Mike,

I got a 26 by default. Buddy was going broke and sold me a few guns. I told him I would probably sell the Glock after shooting it.

That was a couple of years ago and I still have the Glock. :) I've had a 17 and a 19. Prefer the 26 based on the size/capacity ratio. The finger extenders on the mags help for feel and I upgraded to a NY trigger.

The only caveat is that I've noticed the little Golocks seem to respond to good ammo more so that the larger guns.

BTW, my buddy got another job and is now packing a Glock 30.

I've had mine for about a year now, and it's great for CCW. It's accurate, easy to conceal, and just nice to use.
I love my 26. I find the Scherer grip extenders really help with controllability. Another good thing is its tiny size: I've carried mine in a bellyband up under my left armpit every day this week at work, under just plain polo shirts, and no one's noticed. Or if they have, they haven't said anything. :)

I've put some of the cheapest ammo I could find through it, and some of the most expensive. It eats all of it and asks for more (good thing 9mm is so cheap!). Over on Glocktalk, one of the moderators recommends a new-gun drill of 200 of your defensive stuff, shooting 50 one-handed weak side. My 26 functioned perfectly throughout... come to think of it, so did my 20. :)

Conclusion, get one. You'll never regret it.

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872
Thanks for your input, folks, sounds like I need one! The next trick is to find one locally. I was at Galyans last week and the pistol case was nearly empty, seems like handguns are a very popular gift this year (one thing about gun-grabber hysteria - it sells alot of guns :), but it also drives up prices and hurts availability :( ). Thanks, again, M2
Hey wait Mike in Va, I didn't get to throw my 2 cents in.

I've had my G26 for about a year now and it hasn't left my side or been more than 5 feet away from me since then. Well, sometimes my G30 gets in the way.

Light, reliable, easy to conceal, can be carried in a pocket holster (Dockers, jeans, etc.), very accurate, can use G19 or G17 hi cap mags.

Must have accessories:

1. Scherer magazine extensions

2. A&G grip extension sleeves for hi-caps

3. Pair of G19 (15) hi cap mags for CCW

Gives my Sig P226 a run for the money out to 50 feet.

I'll be picking up an HKP7 next week so we'll see if my G26 gets bumped to glove compartment duty.

The Seattle SharpShooter
FWIW, the G26 is my favorite and most frequent carry gun. At first I thought the short grip would be a problem, but it has not been troublesome at all. In fact, the grip is, to me, very comfortable and effective. I haven't had the gun modified in any way.

BTW, a Kydex IWB holster seems to go great with the G26. Mine is an ATA from Glockmeister, but there are others that are as good if not better.

[This message has been edited by jimmy (edited December 16, 1999).]
I recently purchased a G26 for CCW after using a G19 for awhile. At first I thought the short grip would be a problem but when I fired it I was pleasantly suprised. I was just as accurate and I didn't notice any more recoil as compared to my 19. Very scweet!

I have carried my Glock 26 with a grip extender almost EVERDAY for over a year in an Alessi ankle holster. Great gun. Get one. You deserve it.
Thanks for all the input and advice. I can't find anyone anywhere saying anything negative about this pistol, I guess I'll let the dust settle from Xmas, see what's left in the piggybank, and go get me one.
Best regards, M2
The G-26 was THE gun I bought specifically for carry purposes.
I suppose there are smaller ones (9mm or .40) but they don't pack as many rounds.

Make sure you get pre-ban +2's from Glockworks. Maybe I shouldn't be telling you that since you can't use them on G-26's. (legally not physically)

Go get me my gun, it's the one that says "Bad MOTHERF****R"
Mike in VA. As far as negativity out here, there is plenty from people who can't face the inevitable. "Glock is innovative". Don't listen to them, they are just ignorant.

If there is a glock hater reading this.... Why did you click on the thread if you hate Glocks so much?????

"Get rid of that Nickel Plated sissy pistol and get yourself a Glock"Tommy Lee Jones

Go get me my gun, it's the one that says "Bad MOTHERF****R"
I bought a G26 for my first handgun. So yes, i'd say it is a good place to start. Mine never failed reguardless of what ammo I fed it. I eventually traded it in for a G30, but I'd carry a 26 again in a heatbeat.
Thats weird. I taded my G-30 in for a G-26

Go get me my gun, it's the one that says "Bad MOTHERF****R"
I love the mini-Glocks. I kept my G26 and G30 but if I were to trade one of them in, which one should I keep?

The Seattle SharpShooter
If it can't shoot jacketed rad turds powered by rodent farts, I ain't gonna shoot it!
Well JT. I turned in my G-30 just because of CC reasons, what do you think????

The G-30 is a thick Mo-Fo. But it is the balls, I love shooting it and I miss it.

I love my G-26 though.

Keep the G-26 for carry

Keep the G-30 for the .45 option (& carry if you like to)

Let me know.

Go get me my gun, it's the one that says "Bad MOTHERF****R"
Tec 9- I must be weird, the only thing I don't like about the G30 is that the grip is TOO THIN! :) I have the same complaint with my Para P14-45

I traded the 26 for the 30 simply because I prefer the 45 over the 9. NOT because I think one is better than the other.
I also have the bigger brother of the G26, the G27 and i would recommed either on of these two guns. I have never had a problem with mine, and the best thing about them is that they are K.I.S.S. I can break mine down and put it back together in a matter of minutes, and on top of all that it shoots wonderfully!!

when the govenment comes for you weapons, give them the ammo first