Tell me about the .375 Remington Ultra Magnum.

Big cartridge (almost 4" COAL). About as powerful as the 378 Weatherby (5,700 ft/lbs of energy), so yes, it is powerful. Effective? Effective on/for what? Killing elephants? Sure. Nothing on the N or S American continents needs that much to stop it. The only ones I have worked on were long range rifles, it really excels at that (heavy, high BC bullets at high velocity).


That depends on what you mean by "good"

Good for what? I have a 375H&H that I have shot so much I am now on it's 2nd barrel. It is real "good" for what I use it for. Killing things when I hunt, and it puts elk, bears and moose down very well. It shoots to the same basic trajectory as a 30-06 with a 180 grain bullet so it also has a lot of range, but I have only made a few long shots with it in the last 40 years. No need to use it at real long ranges for the most part.

Would the 375 Ultra beat it?
For killing game, NO! You can't kill them faster of deader than I do with my 375H&H. So asking if the Ultra mag is "good" is something that is not as easy to answer. It will require a bullet for game shooting that will not come apart at 200 yards or closer and it will use a lot more powder. It also will kick harder and go through barrels faster. So it is not 'as good" as something less powerful if any of those things matter to you.

If you want 375H&H power with a bit more range (as if you needed more) I guess it would be "good' at fulfilling that mission. It fires a 270 grain bullet about 200-250 FPS faster then the H&H does. If we look at the BC of a spitzer .375" 270 grain bullet fired at 2900 FPS it is going 2650 FPS at 100 yards, which is what the H&H does at the muzzle. Some loads will go 2700 FPS from the H&H, so if we were to compare those top loads the Ultra and the H&H are 84 yards apart in overall range) So the Ultra Mag is going to give almost exactly 100 yards more range then the 375H&H with the same bullet as a rule.

We should not fall for the idea that faster = better. or that more power is "better" then less power.
If that were true a Kenworth semi-truck would be "better' then a Honda car for taking a 10 year old girl to school every day. But being bigger and more powerful doesn't do that job better. So it is also with rifle power.
I wonder what target exists out in the real world that the same 375 bullet going a bit faster does, ----- that the same bullet going a bit slower doesn't.
Keep in mind that the 250 FPS advantage of the Ultra has over the H&H doesn't hold all the way out to 1000 yards At 500 yards the 2 bullets are 150 FPS apart. At 1000 yards they are 70 FPS apart.

What target is the 270 grain bullet going 70 FPS slower insufficient for, but the 70 FPS faster 270 grain bullet is perfect for?

Paper, steel or flesh, does such a target exist?

None of this is to say the Ultra mag is not "good"
That decision would be up to you.

Good needs to be defined in the light of it's mission statement.

What's it for?
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There's nothing in N or S American that requires a magnum of any kind.
A 300 grain bullet at 2800 FPS out of a 8.75 pound rifle(lot of 'em weigh a pound or so less) recoils with 53.2 ft-lbs. of energy.
Suspect the only real issue, that's not insurmountable, will be the relative ease of finding ammo and brass. Isn't listed by Cabela's. $40 plus per 20 elsewhere.
No brass currently available from Remington, according to Midway. Limited production thing. $63.99 per 20 for Quality Cartridge brass. That's currently on back order.
There would bet two applications in the US and or Canada would be Brown Bear and Buffalo in AK (Bison)

At one time 375 HH was the go to round for that kind of hunting.

I did like the 375 HH as it was a gentler push than the 7mm rem mag, I have not shot the 375 UM so don't know on that score.

Some Buffalo hunts require larger caliber so it would fit that bill (338 is the minimum as I recall) - that is in AK only.
OP didn't ask about need.
Asked was.
"Good cartridge" answer is that it's as "good" as any other cartridge.
"Potent" Plenty pontent for anything, most anywhere.
"Effective" With the right bullet, sure!

The 416 Rigby, and 458 Lott are more rifle than "needed" here. But the local shop here in Podunk PA sold 3 of each this last year.
Good cartridge?

Potent? Yes.
Effective? Probably.

Good? That depends what you have in mind for it. Personally, my feeling is that if a 375 H&H is somehow not enough, it's probably time for a larger and heavier bullet, not faster 375 bullets. It's hard to get more specific in recommendation until you get more specific about what you plan to do with it.

Oh, yeah, recoil will be brutal.

It's worth noting that 375 RUM ammo is a lot harder to find and has a lot shakier future than 375 H&H.
I shot a 375 RUM once. It belonged to a guy on the range. Some random stranger. I was a little giddy and wanted to shoot it to see what the difference in recoil was from my 300 RUM 700 BDL. Let's just say I only fired one round. The recoil was intense...... Very uncomfortable to shoot. I personally wouldn't be able to shoot that cartridge without developing one hell of a flinch.

Now I like big stuff. And I am not a small man, but that rifle was too much for me. Hahahaha at least the scope didn't get me.
I have a buddy who had one, he was able to pull off some decent groups with his. However, he was only good for 3-5 shots depending on the day. He decided to do something about the recoil and contacted a gunsmith that had a lot of experience building high performance big bore rifles. After what he found it would cost to take the recoil on his RUM he sold the rifle as he had little use for it in upstate NY.
However, he was only good for 3-5 shots depending on the day. ..... After what he found it would cost to take the recoil on his RUM he sold the rifle as he had little use for it in upstate NY.

That's probably why someone wants to sell one to the OP, who had the good sense to ask about it first.

You should be able to tell by now that this is not a general purpose cartridge. It's sole use is to hunt BIG game, and by BIG I mean grizzly bears and African dangerous game. There's no reason to put up with the vicious recoil for anything smaller.
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Thanks, Gentlemen.
I bought this rifle years ago. Ammo when I could find it. Ended up with 5 or 6 boxes at about $60 each.
Now it's really hard to find at over $100 a box!
Because of surgery, I had to wait a while before I could shoot it.
When I did, the ----eating grin I was hoping for appeared!
Once I fired it, I knew I was holding something that required respect and was to be used with 'intent'.

I'd already bought and traded a 700 BDL-DM in .338. On advice from a former idiot friend.
While I admire that cartridge, my 700 7-Rem.Mag seemed about the same recoil wise, so I was underwhelmed.
The .375 H&H was my Holy Grail, but I couldn't put that together with pushfeed, so when the .375 RUM came out I said, 'of course!'

Once I fired that combination, I had the same grin and feeling I had when I fired my 7.
Everybody said, 'get a Winchester 70 in .30-06', when at that time I wanted the Savage 110FP in .308, like the one in Guns & Weapons for Police magazine. I would've been shooting 2 years earlier had I not confused myself with advice.
The 7 was at a sporting goods store on a layover and I bought it, much to the chagrin of my 'advisors'.
As I said, it was worth the grin!

Much as the instant dinosaur. 375 RUM...there was no regret in my contrary choice.
If a gun could talk I imagined this one telling me, "if you do not fear me, I will do your bidding".
I ripped off 3 shots first time and just went, "WOW!"

So, I bought 2 Rem.Mag. rifles that made me 'happy'.
Still have 3+ boxes of the .375 ammo...and the brass.

Your insight was fantastic and I appreciate it very much.

Next project, now that I have all the parts, is to change my Marlin 1895. 45-70 into the wood & blues SBL not offered by the mfg.
Unconventional seems to be my MO.:D
375 H&H is not enough?

I was shooting some 375 H&H's loaded with 300gr. Hornady bullets and IMR450 powder. The load was very accurate. It ran 2600 fps from my CZ550. I was pondering why would anybody want more cartridge. I remembered that this is America where more is better. :eek:If anybody is looking for a 375 H&H I'd suggest a good look at the CZ550.

Addendum: The CZ 550 has the so called controlled feed.
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Thanks, Gentlemen.

When I [fired it], the ----eating grin I was hoping for appeared!
Once I fired it, I knew I was holding something that required respect and was to be used with 'intent'.

I'd already bought and traded a 700 BDL-DM in .338. On advice from a former idiot friend.
While I admire that cartridge, my 700 7-Rem.Mag seemed about the same recoil wise, so I was underwhelmed.

If a gun could talk I imagined this one telling me, "if you do not fear me, I will do your bidding".
I ripped off 3 shots first time and just went, "WOW!"

As I said, it's much easier to make recommendations when you know the purpose of the rifle. Since owning a rifle with prodigious recoil was your apparent goal, I'd say the 375 RUM is perfect.
And for anybody considering the 375 H&H--I would advise taking a look at the 375 Ruger--slightly more powerful but can be downloaded to lower recoil charges, and being a conventional standard action cartridge is cheaper on ammo.;)
Well dang, if you want recoil how about a 50 BMG?

I swear it moves the guys off the bench a foot 1`.5 feet.

I think there is a single shot 20 mm out there as well.

Artillery pieces without the carriage thingy!

Granted when I was in my very early 20s and all muscle I decided a 41 magnum was better than a 44 magnum. Not sure how anyone shoots those 500 magnums.

Come on up, you are the perfect Brown Bear and Bison Hunter candidate (not sure, you may have to move up here for the Bison)
I had one. No reason to have it other than I got a deal on it. Since I had a 375 H&H and a 375 WBY, I sold it to a guy who was going to Kodiak, Ak bear hunting. He said his guide was so impressed with it that he bought it from him at the end of the hunt.He said it hurt so bad to shoot that he was glad to part with it.
I personally don't think the felt recoil is any worse than the H&H.
I've shot a friend's smaller diameter 7mm RUM and liked it a lot, told my friend if he didn't like it (and didn't shoot the barrel out) I'd consider taking it off his hands--very tolerable recoil IMO. Just putting it out there.;)