Tell it like it is versus what is usually posted.

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New member
Tell it like it is:
"I aint willing to"
"If I can stick it in my pocket, I won't carry"
"I'm not untucking my shirt"

What is usually posted:
Statistics, averages (nearly always used to rationalize/justify the minimum)
"I feel"
"Good area"

Inapplicable if/when limited by work clothes ;)
Of all the topics out there, what is it about this particular one that fascinates you so much that you’ve made so many threads about it?

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Of all the topics out there, what is it about this particular one that fascinates you so much that you’ve made so many threads about it?

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How many prior "Tell it like it is" threads have I made?
Why would you be opposed to telling it like it is?
This appears at first glance to be a variation of the threads where you advocate that people carry what they would “prefer to defend themselves with” as opposed to what you see as decisions for the sake of convenience. And this would be the 8th such thread of yours.

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Tell it like it is:

There is no “One size fits all” for carry.

That could be due to multiple factors. Budget, weight, body type, physical strength and dexterity, different social settings, situations and dress.

Hard to swallow pills:
-Each person gets to make their own choices of what, when and where to carry.
-It ain’t cheap, but it may be best to have multiple options for different variables or occasions.
This appears at first glance to be a variation of the threads where you advocate that people carry what they would “prefer to defend themselves with” as opposed to what you see as decisions for the sake of convenience. And this would be the 8th such thread of yours.

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This thread is about what people say, post.
Tell it like it is:

There is no “One size fits all” for carry.

That could be due to multiple factors. Budget, weight, body type, physical strength and dexterity, different social settings, situations and dress.

Hard to swallow pills:
-Each person gets to make their own choices of what, when and where to carry.
-It ain’t cheap, but it may be best to have multiple options for different variables or occasions.

Sorry its a hard to swallow pill, ain't for me.
This thread is about what people say, post.

Actually from the outline in the first post it would seem to be a thinly veiled, passive aggressive attempt on your part to say that you don’t accept the reasons given by others who choose to not carry as you yourself would. And we’ve been down this road before in the other threads I mentioned.

My question in my original response was earnest. Why do the carry choices of others concern you so much? You have a system that works for you (we’ve seen the obligatory picture of you in the long shirt from both head on and the side that you’ve posted many times). If someone doesn’t choose to carry as you do, so what? Before you’ve argued you’re doing this to seemingly encourage others, but at some point it starts to seem like virtue signaling.

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SSGN-Doc said:
Tell it like it is:

There is no “One size fits all” for carry.

That could be due to multiple factors. Budget, weight, body type, physical strength and dexterity, different social settings, situations and dress.

Hard to swallow pills:
-Each person gets to make their own choices of what, when and where to carry.
-It ain’t cheap, but it may be best to have multiple options for different variables or occasions.

I couldn't have said it any better myself. And might I add that you have excellent taste in carry guns.
Sorry its a hard to swallow pill, ain't for me.

How so?

You get to decide what, when and where YOU get to carry.

May be hard to swallow, but YOU don’t get to decide for everyone else.

Most folks shy away from DA/SA handguns for carry nowadays, in favor of fully staged striker fired pistols.

I’m cool with them doing what they want, but I don’t need their approval of what I opt to carry.

But back into What people say vs. what they do.

“I can conceal a Desert Eagle .50 AE all day long”.

No kidding. No one is going to see it sitting in your sock drawer.

“I ‘train’ regularly with my carry gun.”

Twice a year bullseye shooting isn’t training, it’s practice.

“My carry gun has never had a malfunction”.

Well, the 100 rounds of FMJ range ammo is sure something to stake your life on. Lemme see your range log book with round count, brands and types of carry ammo tested and failure notations. Get back to me after you log 2,000 rounds without failures.
This discussion is going nowhere other than downhill. In fact, from my perspective as a writer and an editor, I can't even decipher what the opening post is actually attempting to say or ask.

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