Teen Plays Knock-Out Game and Loses

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Source: http://www.mlive.com/news/index.ssf/2013/08/point_it_out_knock_it_out_brut.html#incart_m-rpt-2

Synopsis: A group of teens playing "Point 'Em Out, Knock 'Em Out" approached a 28yr old man waiting for his daughter at the school bus stop. One teen pulled a stun gun and attempted to zap the man at the base of the skull; but the stun gun did not fire even though the teens had tested it moments earlier. The 28yr old CHL holder pulled a .40 S&W (looked like a 659 in the picture) and shot said teen in the butt. Teen pled for mercy. Man called 911. When police arrive, teen changes story to say he just pulled out the stun gun to look at it and man shot him for no reason. Police do proper investigation, determine teen is lying and get confession.

There were several points I thought were interesting from a Tactics and Training perspective:

1. How difficult it can be to maintain a buffer zone between you and suspicious persons in the course of daily business. Had the stun gun not misfired, this would have been a very difficult attack to stop.

2. I have never been a fan of non-Taser stun guns as a means of self-defense. This just reinforces that opinion.

3. It points out the legal difficulties in the aftermath. The teen attempted to put blame on the CHL and had two friends/witnesses who could have added to the evidence. It would have been great if the article could have gone into more detail on the investigation; but it shows the importance of understanding the law.
Bart, I am not sure what this shows about the victim's understanding of the law, though I agree that understanding it is important.

Edit: I suspect this might show the importance of knowing how to communicate events to LEOs.
Whenever I know something about a story, it seems the media report gets important elements incorrect.

Nonetheless, if the victim indeed said

It happened so fast I wasn’t sure. I just know something was shoved into my side. I wasn’t sure if it was a knife, if it was anything

He's lucky if he hasn't created legal issues for himself.
Yes, but.

This was a bus stop. Depending on the number of people around, it may be impossible to maintain a comfortable distance from everybody, or to keep all persons in view.

This is exactly why I have a hard time taking seriously anybody who says they are always in yellow or orange, so they could never be surprised or ambushed.
MLeake said:
This is exactly why I have a hard time taking seriously anybody who says they are always in yellow or orange, so they could never be surprised or ambushed.
Those are people who have probably never had the misfortune of having to live or work in the middle of a major city. Or, even worse, having to commute via public transportation in one of those cities.
Those are people who have probably never had the misfortune of having to live or work in the middle of a major city. Or, even worse, having to commute via public transportation in one of those cities.

This was a school bus stop. I doubt that this would have happened in a high ped traffic area.

Thankfully I don't have that misfortune.
Racial profiling - which I deleted isn't our thing. Nor are continuing fantasies about one's spider sense.

For the first reason - closed. Sorry, Bart - the points were well made by you and Mleake.

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