Ted Williams Model 200 help needed


New member
Hey guys, I've got a old old ted williams 200 that actually belonged to my grandfather.

Its an awesome gun and all my friends really like it, very smooth action and ultra reliable, with thousands of rounds through it I've never ever had a gun related issue.

My issue is that I don't shoot skeet very often anymore, i clean my gun even less often and now (after sitting for years without a cleaning) The polychoke is seized :mad:

I've been getting more into military weapons and seeing as its basically a model 1200 I'm wanting to add a mag extension and and a pistol grip stock. I would like to be able to turn the choke down from extra full back to cylinder but keep it on and keep that barrel so I'm only a twist away from the clay range.

does anyone know how to service one of these? Also can anyone verify that the ted williams 200 will accept standard winchester 1200 parts?

I've had both guns, and yes, the TW 200 will accept all Winchester 1200 parts...except the buttstock, since the receivers have different profiles at the rear (though I guess you could potentiially modify the wood).
So Its no go on a synthetic pistol grip stock? at least not without modifing :(

do 1300 parts all interchange as well? I'm under the impression that the only difference between the two is the foregrip and possibly choke tubes..