Ted Turner admits he's a socialist


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<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>


The nation's leading private land owner and top media power player declared on Wednesday that he is really a socialist!

CABLE NEWS NETWORK founder Ted Turner, one of the world's richest men, told a gathering in
Shanghai that he is "a socialist at heart" who is concerned that "Internet guys have gotten so rich so fast."

Addressing TIME WARNER's Global Forum, Turner blasted ORACLE CORP's chairman Larry Ellison for his yachts.

"I'd rather use money for the benefit of mankind rather than spend it selfishly," Turner, owner of yachts, told the gathering of over 500 Chinese and international entrepreneurs.

At a gala opening on Monday night, Gerald Levin, TIME WARNER chairman, introduced Chinese President Jiang Zemin, describing him as "my good friend."

Levin ignored the fact that Chinese authorities blocked newsstand sales of a special China edition of TIME magazine this week because it included essays by the Tibetan leader, the Dalai Lama, and
by political exiles Wei Jingsheng and Fang Lizhi. <[/quote]

Now will all the news junkies stop watching CNN and giving this socialist more money and power?

"...the probability of the people in power being individuals who would dislike the possession and exercise of power is on a level with the probability that an extremely tender-hearted person would get the job of whipping-master in a slave plantation."
Prof. Frank H. Knight
I switched already, anyway. FOX News isn't nearly as "objective" as they claim to be but for now their bias is easier to stomach.
How do you spell it? H I P.. no thats not it. H Y P I no no thats not it either... HIPPOC.. no no.. Somebody please tell me how to spell the word that describe Turner's character!
Lying, self-serving whore?

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
The media has an agenda. The "elite", the power brokers, see the average man as one who is to be "used". Ted Turner is a capitalist despite what he has said for he has gotten to where he has on the sweat and toil of those who run his empire. He even has the GALL to say "IF I WANT YOUR OPINION, I'LL GIVE IT TO YOU!" (a arrogant statement, by an arrogant SOB, spoken to affirm how he will use the power of his media to sway public opinion in the direction he sees fit. He thinks he derives his power from that......but he has forgotten human nature).

It's like Bill Gates, the richest man in the world. To hear some people tell it, he did it all by himself, he created Microsoft, he made it what it is today. But never mind the people that he used, the actual people that did the work on the computers and programs that "MADE THINGS WORK". The real brains behind this technology isn't Bill Gates but the people that did the actual work. These people are used like so much cattle......working for chump change because they weren't born with a silver spoon it their mouth.

Same with Ted Turner. He would be nowhere today were it not for the people that work for him...those people who actually did the work (the actual brains behind the outfit) while he sat back on his fat ass acting like a power broker just because he had a little money to back him up. That the elite like Ted Turner, Bill Gates work against the average worker, who got them to where they are, speaks to how power (money) corrupts. How soon they forget. And now the likes of Ted Turner seek to ban you from your guns, seek to prevent you from hunting, etc, etc (control?)

Just where would Bill Gates or Ted Turner be without the people that work for them? They would be NOTHING.

Ted Turner a socialist? He's been sucking on a dreamsicle! Ted Turner is a capitalist. He ain't nothin without the people that actually do the work and those people ain't no socialists! They simply work for the crumbs he hands down......capitalism at its finest. Now he wants to $hit on the very people who got him to where he is today?!?.....OHH, I forgot, he is enlightened now! He is one of the elite! HE HAS FORGOTTEN WHO GOT HIM TO WHERE HE IS TODAY! He needs to go DOWN! He needs to be made a poor man so he can see what it's like to work for a living, to see how women will ignore him because he's poor and ain't worth a ****!

Ted Turner? Are you listening? Bill Gates? Are you listening? You better start spreading around some of the wealth us little guys created for you. I'm, personally, tired of being used like some chump from the third world who works for peanuts. The US is the most powerfull country in the world just because of us little guys. Better spread the wealth a little or you'll see a change in the balance of power that you won't like. Human nature is too powerfull even for the likes of you to resist for too long.
Gates wasn't born with the silver spoon - he was just a geek who was in the right place at the right time.
But your right there - I dont see any personal contributions to the world worthy of his current position - Then again - I am just jealos as hell... Lucky SOB...

Not all Liberals are annoying... Some are Dead.
The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
Microsoft keeps getting slammed by jealous people. Take a look at just how many corporations are wealthier than Microsoft. BellSouth is MUCH wealthier. The wealth just is not concentrated. I own part of BellSouth. As far as Microsoft spreading the wealth...check out how many ordinary employees of Microsoft who hired on in the beginning are multimillionaires today. Bill Gates hired people who voluntarily contracted with him to do certain jobs for a certain renumeration. If they are dissatisfied they should quit and seek employment elsewhere. If I don't like Microsoft products I should shop elsewhere. Bill Gates owes me nothing. Ted Turner owes me nothing.

Spread it around? Socialist thinking at it's "best", my friends.

Byron Quick
Ironic isn't it that TNT will air "Animal Farm" on Sunday night? 'Betcha Napolean and his dogs turn out to be the good guys in Turner's version.

Watch for certain upheavel's in the vicinity of George Orwell's grave as he rolls and rolls over this one.

CCW for Ohio action site.
Ted Turner - A socialist???? Don't make me laugh - I might spill my coffee!!!!

If he believes in socialism, why is he hoarding all that wealth? Why doesn't he do something for the masses, like give all his employees a 10% raise? Or create a public park? Or something, besides just make himself and Jane richer???

If he was anything other than an unethical, money-hungry capitalist, he would pay the guy the $1,000,000 he promised him way before he was one of the richest men in the world (he promised a business assoc. $1,000,000 when he becam worth $15,000,000 - then never paid it - when he was taken to court, the statute of limitations had run out, so the judge ruled he didn't have to. But Turner never denied he made the promise...)

He's one of those ideal-spouting nuts who's so out of touch with the world he doesn't even know himself anymore. Or he was just feeling guilty about being richer than any other 10,000 people in Georgia.
Ted Turner, a socialist? I'm so -- so -- er, whatever the opposite of "shocked" is! :)

He's also a father of four who advocates mandatory birth control and the guy who described a billion dollar gift/payoff to the United Nations as a "charitable donation". Yeah, right.

The antics of people like Ted and his wife make all those "the Illuminati at the UN are using black helicopters to fluoridate our water supply" stories vaguely believable.
As for his business, he's a greed-mongering capitalist, it's only perhaps his politics that are socialist.

I can't believe all the hub-bub here when someone comes out and admits what we have all known for quite some time, like it's some great revelation. Maybe it's just the unwashed masses and sheeple who might show some surprise, but no one here should.

Don LeHue

Salad isn't food. Salad is what food eats.
I don't have any problems with billionaire socialists as long as they use their own money and that of their limousine liberal friends to finance all those government programs they're so fond of.
But I do get a little resentful when I realize that 50% of my income is being taxed away one way or another to pay the rent on his idea of utopia.
Tell you what Ted, keep your socialist dreams and buffalo dung to yourself. Take your commie wife and go live in your mountain top, worker's paradise down in Patagonia and spare the rest of any more of your drivel!
Yes, it may only be his politics that are socialist, but how socialist would he be when the government decided to "socialize" the Braves, Thrashers, IHL, WTBS, CNN, etc?

That's my point - he's an elitist, not a true socialist. Socialists believe in socialism for everyone - Ted's not about about to "socialize" his empire. He just wants us to distribute more of our wealth, not his own. He's above all that.
Just because Comrade Ted has, and makes, millions of dollars every year, that does not mean he isnt a Socialist.

Every Socialist, communist, etc movement has been started (or at least bankrolled) by wealthy Socialists.

Armand Hammer, George Soros, Ted Turner, every Rockefeller....they all have the same idealogical bent.

True Socialists do indeed believe in universal equality...but the leadership of the movement believes in power, and that means "holding the reigns" for the masses.

Ted Turner is a capitalist like Jane Fonda is the Queen of England. :( Dont allow his trappings of wealth to fool you, he believes himself to be one of the "anointed" who is fit to rule over the masses. Thats one of the hallmarks of a true Socialist.


[This message has been edited by Grenadier2 (edited October 01, 1999).]
Turner is no socialist:
He is one of the largest private landowners in the US....he took tax deductions for his charitable contributions, etc.

As many of you have noted, Turner has power and he wants more...

Therefore, let's think about why someone in his position, with evidence clearly contradicting the statement, would say he is a socialist? That is a very very strong statement..... What is to gain? Perhaps admission into countries for CNN? Perhaps some UN position? To what advantage is there to be an extremely wealthy admitted "socialist"? Whats his angle?

Like Mykl says...follow the money (or power).

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Orwell rolling in his grave because somebody who claims, despite evidence to the contrary, to be a socialist is airing Animal Farm? Naww. This is a widely held misconception. Orwell, no matter how much I might love his works and no matter what you and I take from them, NEVER meant to say that socialism was wrong. He was a devoted socialist who fought for the Communists in Spain. If you read Animal Farm closely you'll see that even Animalism isn't portrayed as a bad thing--in fact, if Snowflake, or ball, or whatever (Trotsky) had stayed in power and Napoleon (Stalin) had been the one deposed, it seems Animalism would have worked perfectly.
Orwell fought in Spain, as I noted earlier, but he was a Trotskyite and was nearly killed when Stalinists began purging Trotskyites to hide Trotsky's role in Spain (which would have made Trotsky more respectable in the USSR.) Orwell wrote Animal Farm to warn people that Stalinism wasn't what he considered "good" (meaning pure) Socialism. He was afraid Stalin was too popular in Britain, but if the same acclaim had been for Trotsky he wouldn't have minded.
It's tempting to think of Orwell as a great warrior against Socialism, but it ain't so.
It doesnt matter whether you call Turner a socilaist,a monopoly capitalist-plutocrat, or a elites. He is just part of the group of diverse bigshots from Gorbie to Big Comrade in 1600 Pa ave who are all working for the global system being put in place as we sit here tonight. The Brave new world order of these people will have no place for the billions of excessive eaters like you and I. The writings and beliefs of these evil creatures show their distain for the masses who they will have to cull down through war and othre means before their'superior system takes over. And they cant do their evil deeds without our complient help. Turner is simply a symptom or a small part of this group whom you may call what you wish. But the end result will be horrible for the world. Count on it.