Ted Nugent for president

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I believe that's an older clip and since you have brought it to everyone's attention you've probably put Uncle Ted on the Terror Watch List :rolleyes:

I'm all for drafting him to run and he'll get my vote and my time as I go door to door campaigning for him.
My thoughts/feelings right to the very last vowel. I know that was a rather dated interview but 'Thanks Again' Uncle Ted for doing your part in the preservation of the Constitution of the United States.
GM Guy

Sorry mate, you'll have to forgive this humble Aussie, I didn't know it was old :o I just came across it & thought how true it was and thought it might be interesting to you guys ;)

In Oz, it is 100 times worse, victims just have to be a good victim & die/be injured, self defence is a No-No... :mad: I hope you guys fight for your great country and restore her to her former glory. Ted sure has his head screwed on, in my opinion.... my hat is off to him.

Sorry to Ted if this post has caused any greif :eek:
Dingoboyx, No apologies needed for posting this. Matter-a-fact, a Thank You is in order for you for bringing this great video back. I doubt you did "Uncle Ted" any harm. On the contrary, he would likely also Thank You. For more enjoyment, just Google: Ted Nugent. You`ll find he`s a very interesting, outspoken and down to earth person that loves this country and the outdoors. Plays rock-n-roll, has a hunting/shooting show and is very active in the outdoors/anti-drug movement. As you may figure, the ANTI 2nd amendment, hunting and gun trolls don`t care for him:rolleyes:. Have been to several of his concerts and there`s always these 'so called' animal rights activist usually dressed in retarded outfits outside the entry gates protesting. Guess they (protesters) aren`t smart enough to figure out that hunters do more for wildlife than any other group there is. Also 'The Nuge' puts as much passion in his concerts as he does speaking out for our beliefs. If you ever get a chance to go to one of his show`s, you`ll greatly enjoy it. His beliefs are what this country was founded on. The difference between him and most of our politicians is he has`nt been bought, therefore with dignity, can speak his mind. I`m proud to call him an American brother.
I'm an Army retiree who used to like Nugent until I did some research on the guy. Seems like Killer Ted dodged the draft in a very sickening way.

This from a Detroit Press interview:


He claims that 30 days before his draft board physical, he stopped all forms of personal hygiene. The last 10 days, he ingested nothing but Vienna sausages and Pepsi; and a week before his physical, he stopped using bathrooms altogether, virtually living inside pants caked with his own excrement, stained by his urine. That spectacle won Nugent a deferment, he says. "... but if I would have gone over there, I'd have been killed, or I'd have killed, or I'd killed all the hippies in the foxholes...I would have killed everybody." - Detroit Free Press Magazine , July 15, 1990
There is that pesky old guardianship thing.... But he does make a decent gun rights advocate w/his outspoken nature and high visibility and I saw more than a few of his shows back in the 70's....so there's that. Not to disparage The Nuge's current role, he seems to have toned it down that much-needed notch.
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I'm an Army retiree who used to like Nugent until I did some research on the guy. Seems like Killer Ted dodged the draft in a very sickening way.

Ted has been interviewed many times on this topic, and in reflection, he has deep regrets about it. He hs stated many times that this is one of the reasons he gives as much as possible to the military now.
I'm certainly not saying what he did was right, but the ability to recognize one's mistakes, apologize, and make an effort to make it up is certainly an honorable gesture.
Ted for Prez?

I guess he would get my vote. Even though he was a draft dodger (I got drated during Vietnam and went in the Army) a lot of people were draft dodgers back then. People change, he admits his mistakes and moved on to be one of our biggest supporters of the 2md Ammendment. He has his head screwed on right now (although he is a little weird sometimes). But what the heck, he is a bowhunter, (so am I) so he can't be all that bad can he.........
The thread seems to be just a political endorsement thread.

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* Political Advocacy posts, or any purely political topic.

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