Ted Kennedy Hospitalized

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Never liked or cared for the man,.....but I don't think it's in good tastes to sink as low as the liberals did when they made fun of Chuck Heston's alzheimer's. I'd like to think we're bigger than that.
I would rather beat my political foes with debate and better ideas

But if TK dies all I will remember about him is that he
aped the Nazi's with his gun control and he left a young women
to drown rather then try to save her.
Never liked or cared for the man,.....but I don't think it's in good tastes to sink as low as the liberals did when they made fun of Chuck Heston's alzheimer's. I'd like to think we're bigger than that.

I didn't mean that in a political sense, the man left the scene of and accident where a person died by drowing. He deserves a dose of his own ironic medicine. So put the cork back in your political bottle.
Never liked or cared for the man,.....but I don't think it's in good tastes to sink as low as the liberals did when they made fun of Chuck Heston's alzheimer's. I'd like to think we're bigger than that.

Bravo! I agree.

WildithinkheisafatjerkoffbythewayAlaska ™
Friends and family around me have been dropping like flies lately. Strokes, heart attacks, car accidents, some have made it some havent. Im getting to that age where that sort of thing starts happening. Some people I love others I hated/they hated me. A death or illness of a person no matter how good or evil will wreck at least one good persons life for a while. I wish that good person(s) in this case is all the best.
Those of you who are taking delight in an old man's illness, regardless of his politics, are disgusting. You are exactly why people have the stereotypes of gun owners as narrow minded, conspiracy theory believing losers. Keep it up guys you are doing wonders for our cause.
normally I would agree with you JB

I am not dancing a jig if he passes, and would certainly pray for him if he does die.
Yet I am finding it impossible to pray for any recovery for him in the physical plane.
To me he is no different then the Nazi's.
People like my brother in law died because of the disgusting gun control laws that bloated murderer passed.
My nephew never got to know his dad because gun control disarmed him while leaving his attackers armed.
Gun control kills, the people who pass these disgusting laws keep themselves protected by armed guards/police yet scoff at the lives of the serfs they rule.
He is a foul disgusting tyrant who has imposed his will at the threat of imprisonment and death, its a little more then mere "politics"
People like me who have lost family members due to his monstrous laws find it difficult to not celebrate. Very, very difficult.
The one comfort I took about him was that there is no statute of limitations on murder. He left that girl to drown, or he set up the accident. Either way, he enjoyed a long life and she did not.

When I was in college, everyone and their uncle showed a portrait of JFK, RFK and MLK painted on black velvet.

Perhaps we should resurrect the idea.

A big black velvet homage to Robert Blake, OJ Simpson and Ted Kennedy. The trio that escaped justice.
Don't care for T. Kennedy. But I wish him a speedy recovery. Now, I hope the constant media attention will end soon. It made me sick today to hear all of the talking heads talking about the moment they had first met Ted Kennedy, and how wonderful he was.... blah, blah, blah. It was as if they had already buried the guy.
People like my brother in law died because of the disgusting gun control laws that bloated murderer passed.

People like your brother in law died because of the easy availablility of guns.

Thats makes sense doesnt it? Of course not.

Blaming something other than the criminal is dumb.

WildbutheyitsyouroxgettinggoredAaska TM
The initial post was what we call a "Drive-By" post. Other than the thread title, it contained no information other than an external link.

If you are going to open a thread for discussion, then add some commentary, like a brief synopsis of the referenced article, so that it may be discussed.

This thread should be closed for this reason alone.

However, what I'm seeing is the same thing that many here have accused the left and anti-gunners of doing. Namely, dancing in the blood of a victim. :barf:

I dislike Ted Kennedy very much. But I will not stoop to the same level I perceive him to be. You want irony? There it is.

Closed for the above two reasons.
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