Teaching Americans how to shoot.

Pond James Pond

New member
Ahhh, I can see it now: several hundred TFL members, reading my title and clicking on the open thread button; eyes bulging, screaming “What manner of heresy is this?! LYNCH POND; LYNCH POND!!”

Before everyone starts shooting effigies of Pond, James Pond, allow me to explain.

My daughter is now just under 6 weeks old, and my father came from the UK to visit. Given the auspiscious occasion his other half came along for a visit too. She was raised in CT and had later moved to California before taking up residence in the UK.

She had never shot a firearm, short of an air rifle back in the day. I asked if my dad wanted to shoot during his stay, as he often does, and this invitation then also extended to his partner. She agreed.

So off we trotted with my CZ452 .22 bolt action and my Ruger MkIII and two bricks of ammo!

I went through the safety rules first, set up the rifle, spent about 30 mins going through correct (as I understand it) posture and form, so dry-firing etc before loading the mag with 5 shots of .22LR.

I had put up two targets at 50 metres.

Having drawn a picture of what my reticle would look like over the target area, she took aim and after some seconds, fired. I loaded the next round. The first shot landed about an inch up and right of the number 10. The second shot was a different story: right through the middle of the “0” of the number 10!!! In the centre of the centre of the centre. :cool:

I was really chuffed! Meanwhile, “Competitive Dad”, hackles raised and eyes narrowed, sized up his new competition!! :D

He went next adding to the group of holes around the 10 before his partner had another go. Meanwhile, I shot my Ruger MkIII from a standing shooting rest and then just two handed, not expecting to hit my own target, also at 50 metres.

With my Dad checking through a small monocular he told me where I seemed to be hitting and eventually I could then get my shots on a 8” diameter area by just holding the front sight on target: great!!

He then went back to the rifle as I talked the US contingent through pistol grip and aiming then showed her how I shot it, using the target my Dad was aiming at just to fulfil my role as antagonistic son… ;)

So in the picture the group around the 10 are my Dad’s and his partner’s including two of her shots to the centre of the “0” and another bisecting the wall of the “0”.

My Dad subsequently also aimed at the bottom right of the left white square, I did the same for the bottom left corner of the right white square.

A couple of shots in the “6” ring at the top were likely my pistol shots whilst my Dad put the small group around the number “9” and I did the same aiming at the bottom tip of the number “7”.

A fun two hours at the local military range all the the boom of a group of Defense League members punching paper in the next zone using Finnish mosin-nagants, iron sights and 300m targets…
Puts my shots with a .22 at 50m firmly in perspective!! :rolleyes:

A great afternoon!!


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Fun read!!

That's what it is all about.

I think many of us are envious when you speak of "bricks of 22 rf" We have a problem finding a 50 rd box of .22 on the shelf.Sad,but true.
Great Fun,

And yeah, when you say "bricks of .22" you might have been describing unicorns. I haven't seen a brick of .22LR in a year or so.
So, you couldn't afford separate targets for everyone?
Oh, we get it.
This way you can claim the best holes as yours.
Ah, very sneaky, that.

Yeah, women are generally very good shots.
At least after they get over their fears of guns and noise.
My smarter half regularly aggravates the regulars at our range.
Once she remembers what the buttons and knobs on the guns are for, in short order she's hitting the sweet spots with nearly every round.
Then she gets bored, puts the gun down after about 20 rounds, and says something like,
"How come you guys have to practice so much; it's not all that hard." :eek:
I have to remind her that they have guns, too.
She does the same thing with her bow.
It's antagonizing.