Teaching a non-CCW Firearms Class: Need License?


New member
If I want to teach a class about firearms, but it's not the official Concealed Carry class, do I need a permit or license?

I live in Kentucky, and might want to hold seminars in Kentucky and Indiana.

I've searched the web for an answer, but only seem to find discussions of the actual CCW permits.

Do you have a state business lincense?

Questions your prospective clients may ask...

What certifications or training do you have? That would be the first thing out of my mouth.
Do you have experince teaching firearms?
What arms are you proficient in?
Are you an American citizen?
What price do you charge?
What is the content of the course?

Are you teaching home defense or personal defense?
What is you rating with the BBB.
What are your professional affliations?
Do you have continuing education for yourself?
I don't know of or ever heard of having to have a license to teach firearms or firearms safety except what has been mentioned.

Some states require standards (don't know if you call it a license) to teach CCW classes) some don't.

Some states may require a business license or other tax id number to collect and pay sales tax if your state has sales tax on services.

But excluding that, I never heard of a license per se for firearms training.

Its best to have some sort of instructor training, and background because if anyone you instruct is involved in a shooting, SD, accident, or what ever, you can bet your butt you're going to end up in court. Best be able to make your case. Have some sort of legit training and extensive background in the subject you teach.

Non-government entities, such as the NRA, CMP, Appleseed, etc. require you to have their training certificate if you teach their classes and represent them.
Local/state laws....

I would go to a small business development office or a legal affairs group.
I was looking over the state laws in my area a few days ago & discovered statues saying its illegal to teach(instructor) "para-military" tactics or weapons training.
I'm not sure how or what a concealed carry class would involved but Id have a lawyer look over it to make sure no criminal laws are violated.
Some ranges will not allow a non certified instructor to give paid instruction on thier ranges due to liability reasons. I know the range that I am a member of has this rule. If you are for example an NRA certified instructor, and are giving paind instruction to a student all they require is a copy of your certification. Otherwise if you are just per say for free teaching your neighbor gun safety, and shooting for free you are welcome to do so.

Most people if they are paying for a class would prefer to see that the instructor has some kind of credentials.