TC Renegade stock conversion?


New member
Anyone ever convert a Renegade stock to a curved crescent / Hawkin style stock? Love the Renegade but prefer the Hawkin curved butt plate. Open to advice. Thanks in advance.
Enjoy your renegade

Hawkin style stock?
Are you referring to the cheek-rest? If so; have not. You will also have to contend with all the inletting of the brass, double-set Vs Single and that is going to be a challenge. Correctly if I'm wrong but you want to convert a Renegade, into a TC -Hawkin. I'm not sure if buying replacement stock would get the job done. You can find replacement TC-Hawkin stocks on Ebay. I've done a bunch of work on these but never thought of this one. If you want a cheek rest, I have made removable ones out of leather but not for these models.... :confused:

Be Safe !!!
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Sorry, I should have been more specific... I prefer the crescent butt plate. I like how it cradles the shoulder. Curious if anyone had cut out a Renegade stock and fit the Hawkin butt plate to it?
It could be done. It’s all a matter of if it’s a project you’re willing to undertake. My suggestion would be to find a steel buttplate that matches the dimensions you are looking for, and cut the stock to match the buttplate. Finding a curved steel buttplate, hawkin styled, may be challenging. I do not know, I have not looked.

The renegade is an excellent piece to modify if you like. It’s a decent solid rifle, but it’s never going to be particularly valuable. You aren’t ruining anything. I would do it if it’s something I wanted honestly.

Sure it could be done, but I've not seen it. One thing that would not happen easily is simply swapping stocks.......I'm pretty sure the Renegade is larger across the barrel flats and barrel channel in the foreend is resultantly bigger.

I always thought the Renegade stock was a softer shooter with heavy loads, wider and more surface area, but to each his own.
Interesting !!!

I prefer the crescent butt plate.
I have but not on a Renegade. This factory cut was made in a very precise way with special tooling. You have two Plains to work with one is curved and one is straight at the heel. You only have one shot at it and it has to be "perfect". Your Renegade has only one flat plain If you like the brass then just replace the steel one with thick contoured brass. ..... :)

Thank you for your post as you have given me and idea of what I might do, in the future. I too, like the brass ...... ;)

Good Luck and;
Be Safe !!!
I looked at Dixie Gun Works site thinking that surely they must have a hawkin style butt plate. Wow...not much there anymore, a shadow of its former self.
I think oliver is right....I would think you would loose an inch or so on the length of pull

I also agree that the wider but plate will spread recoil...but that is subjective I guess

If the shorter pull will work...I think the stock on a renegade is thicker so you could push the new but plate to the off side....that would give you a little cast and maybe have room for a smallish cheek rest is doable ......only you can make the call

If I remember correctly the renegade was a smidge shorter than the hawken to start with

Or you could get a hawken stock and redo the barrel channel....iirc the hawken had a 15\16 barrel and the renegade had a 1" barrel

K I will be quiet

But that's my .02


Again, I have not done this particular upgrade. Now I am not instructing you as to what to do. However, I would consider this option as it's one I "would" probably take. You would have to figure out the particulars. I would take this plate and remove the straight part that goes over the top part of the heel. Or I would just get a flat brass buttplate. The one shown, is in the style of the TC. While you are in this website, take a look around as you might find something better. By the way, these folks are great to work with.

Good Luck and;
Be Safe !!!
Thanks for the ideas everyone. Yeah, it would be a one shot deal, too much wood removal and its final! Lol!! I'm going to contemplate this some more before I act. I don't want to lose any length of pull. It is pretty comfortable as it is now, I just like that curved butt plate better. I had a TC Hawken .50 flintlock about 25 or so years ago, fit my shoulder perfectly. Never should have sold it. I'm thinking this .50 Renegade is a keeper.
I sure miss the now closed Fox Ridge Outfitters in NH, was beside the TC factory. I'm only 1.5 hours away, used to go there often. But a fire, S&W buying TC, everything changes.
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Although I own 1-Renagade's I find it to be short stocked for my shoulder fit. I do own a Big Bore 58 who's stock resembles a Renegades with a recoil pad. That is a pleasure to shoulder and shoot ball or Maxi.
Cresent stocks on the other-hand 45 cal and smaller deliver a lightly felt (push back feeling) recoil. 50 cal and larger Cresent stocks who's barrels are Charged near Max. After 2-shots such stocks start to bruise the upper arm or shoulder.
Ok, drew a couple doe tags yesterday, sighting in the .50 TC Renegade this afternoon, I realized something. It's perfect as it is. No way I'm messing with the stock. Nope! Glad I waited and gave it more thought. Took me a few shots, but now she is Dead on at 25 yards, shoots like a dream with round ball and a light load of 80 grains black powder. Even wearing a heavy wool hunting jacket, the Renegade shoulders perfectly.
Dad always says "If it AIN'T broke... don't fix it". ;)