Tazer! Requires back ground check!


New member
So None Deadly force now requires background check!:cool:

Over the last few years I can recall the Taser killing more then a few people. :eek:


Here in New Mexico, People have died from Taser attacks by LEO and other over the last few years! None Deadly my hinney!

Back in the 70's, I had a friend we called animal! He could not be within 100 yards of of a LEO, He would jump them and become animalistic. A few years before he was walking home from work and got the run around by a few Pima County Sheriff. He was within eysite of his home and told them where he lived. They peeper sprayed him, Did not provide required medical and now he needs Coke Bottle Glasses.

None Deadly Force Blinded him! He ended up with a settlement of some $80,000. Big deal, he is still blind.
Non deadly does not mean never results in death.

Deadly force is defined as:

That amount of force which is intended to cause or that carries a substantial risk of causing death or serious bodily injury.

Non deadly force:

force that is intended to cause or that does not carry a substantial risk of death or serious injury

Since the Taser has been used hundreds of thousands of times, and a very small number of in custody deaths occurred after deployment, this is non deadly force. I ask you- what was the rate of in custody death before Tasers were invented, and what are they now?

And your friend animal- sounds like he belonged in a cage.