Tax refund gifts ?


New member
:) this week, my wife and I are thinking of purchasing her a nice cc handgun.
we are thinking a small Bersa 380 . :)
What do you guys think ? :) my second choice for her is a 38caliber snubbie. s&w .
I think if it's for her your best bet would be to let her decide. :)

And I think this might do better in the General Handgun forum.:)
Will she be able to operate the slide. Bersa380 is very good.if she can work the slide its good for a female carry gun
The Bersa Thunder .380 seems to be very popular with women. She should try it out first. I might also recommend a look at the Sig P238; while it's more expensive it is another one I've had some female acquaintances very much like.
What is a tax REFUND??:o

FWIW, I bought my wife a bersa .380 a couple years back, and it was still more recoil than she could get comfortable with. Kinda suprised me, because she never had trouble with my larger 9mm, but the bersa is a straight blowback design. Maybe rent one at the range if you can.
Bersa is a very good pistol, but so are others.

There are many very well performing small semi's on the market today,,,
The Bersa Thunder 380 is one of them.

Mine is in it's second thousand-round ammo buy,,,
In all that time I have had one fail to eject.

I recommend the Bersa because mine has performed so well.

There is a new Glock on the market,,,
It's the Model 42 and is also chambered in 380,,,
I haven't seen one as yet and am not really a Glock fan,,,
But the reviews that have been posted here are mostly favorable.

One more I will mention is the somewhat new Ruger LC380,,,
Not to be confused with the smaller Ruger LCP in 380.

The LC380 is the same exact size as my LC9,,,
It's simply chambered for the 380 ACP rather than 9mm,,,
The trigger pull is long but other than that I am very happy with the pistol.

My friend who owns an LC380 says the recoil is very minimal.

Bersa is the least expensive at around $300,,,
The Ruger is next at around $350,,,
The Glock runs about $425.

I hope this helps,,,


I would much rather see her look at a Glock 42 or Kahr 380. Those are both much better for an absolutely reliable and thin 380 which is well supported in the holster market.

A 38 Jfrsme is another idea, if trigger pull doesn't freak her out. Something like the 640..concealed hammer, DAO, easy finish.
Let’s see,,, I make 5 times what my wife makes, she has nothing taken out for taxes as in 0 deductions. So I have more than necessary taken out to cover taxes.
But take the return and buy a gun related item for me,, yea Right!
But on the other hand two Christmases ago she bought me a new Ruger Blackhawk,,,, and this year she bought me a couch cover for my man cave.:rolleyes: (One small room in the house).:o
She already has a Glock 26 and a S&W 66 to choose from.
My tax refund gift is a gift to myself when it goes into my savings. I save up long and slow for my guns, bit by bit out of my paychecks. Makes the purchase all the sweeter....

Many 380s are direct blow back, not familiar with the bersa but if it is a blow back recoil can be stiff for some.
LOL How long have you been married? Is this for you or HER? :roll eyes:

Picking out a handgun for her would be about like you going to a dress shop and buying her a dress . . . just saying! :)

Let her pick it out. That said . . . the Bersa is a fine handgun - I had one and it functioned and shot well - a good value. I've also had several snubbies - a LCR which was light to carry and shot well (I have a number of Rugers and love 'em all but the LCR is just, well, sort of butt ugly in my eyes -but that's me.) I currently carry a S & W Model 36.

Lot's of choices out there . . she needs to look, handle, shoot (rent what she might like at a range and let her shoot it if you can) . . then she needs to pick out what suits her needs best. Good luck! :)
Went to an lgs with my wife and daughter on Sunday, I was looking at an sr9. I had my carry gun, lcp, with me which they have both seen many times and were less then interested in. After looking at the sr9 we moved to the next display case and there were the lcp's (and lc9s)in all their glory........and color (raspberry, purple) "ewwww I like those!"
a little off topic.... one gift for her one gift for me one gift for the house..... 27 years of wedded and when I do "side jobs" I always buy her jewelry after I stop at a gun shop