Tax Rebate?


New member
I was listening to the radio yesterday and there was an interesting discussion about the tax situation. For fiscal year 2000 there is a surplus of several billion dollars, I forget the actual figures mentioned but they said that if you figure head of households and divide just a quarter of the surplus among them it would average about a 1000 per person. The discussion was heavily geared towards kick starting the economy and that a tax cut would take too long to filter down. Sounds good but the phrase "snowball's chance" seems to spring to mind.
You try telling ANYONE that they can't keep a billion dollars they already have.

FWIW: I sent a letter to Chuck Schumer (D-NY) asking what he was doing about the government confiscating half my income. His response was he is working to make that confiscation easier and more painless. No way he's gonna return my $1000...
Yup, easier and less painful confiscation.

For the IRS, anyway. That's why they bought $1.5 million worth of guns....
Repeat after me -

There is no surplus. There's this gov't office called the Bureau of the Public Debt. They're the ones who actually have to deal with the money markets and Wall Street and have real accountants and are responsible for the ratings of government securities, etc. In other words, they have to conform to accepted accounting principles and standards - they have to tell the TRUTH about what the nation owes. At the moment, the national debt is somwhere around $5.5 trillion. It grows about 10%/year. All this crapola about a "surplus" is just a bunch of [not so] funny little accounting games and other woofti-poofti the politicians play with Social Security, FICA, and other little funds to keep the masses distracted. The truth of the matter is that we're in debt up to our @$$es. THERE IS NO SURPLUS! while teh treasury may have a surplus of cash on hand, it's spoken for, several times over.

Dat's right, skrood again. M2
They've got extra billions and they want me to send in an extra $2200 over the $9000+ that they got from my wife and I in withholding last year!?!?!?!?!

This income tax situation is unbelievably unfair. Nothing has made me quite so cross in a long time. The fact that they want $11,000+ from us in order to further the attack on our rights in especially infuriating.
What taxes really cost you

Compund interest works against you also. Assuming you could get a 10% return on annual tax payments of $5,000 over 40 years, your reduction of net worth by paying those taxes is closer to 2.2 million.