Tax I was unaware of.

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GREAT WORK, CABELA'S FOR LETTING EVERYONE Who knew a fishing rod was a medical device?
> Medical Excise Tax on Retail Receipts?
> This is an image of a sales receipt from Cabela's, a popular sporting goods store.
> The 2.3% Medical Excise Tax that began on January 1st is supposed to be "hidden" from the consumer, but it's been brought to the public's attention by hunting and fishing store Cabela's who have refused to hide it and are showing it as a separate line item tax on their receipts, the email states.
> I did some research and found directly from the IRS's website information that PROVES this to be true and an accurate portrayal of something hidden in Obamacare that I was not aware of! Now being skeptical of this I went to the IRS website and found this!
> Q1. What is the medical device excise tax? A1. Section 4191 of the Internal Revenue Code imposes an excise tax on the sale of certain medical devices by the manufacturer or importer of the devQ2. When does the tax go into effect? A2. The tax applies to sales of taxable medical devices after Dec. 3Q3. How much is the tax? A3. The tax is 2.3 percent of the sale price of the taxable medical device. See Chapter 5 of IRS Publication 510, Excise Taxes, and Notice 2012-77 for additional information on the determination of sale price. <> <> <> <http://ir/<http://ir/> Chapter Five<> <>
> So being more curious I clicked on "Chapter 5 Of IRS Publication 510."
> And what do I find under "MEDICAL DEVICES" under "MANUFACTURERS TAXES"?
> The following discussion of manufacturers taxes
> Applies to the tax on:
> Sport fishing equipment;
> Fishing rods and fishing poles;
> Electric outboard motors;
> Fishing tackle boxes;
> Bows, quivers, broad heads, and points;
> Arrow shafts;
> Coal;
> Taxable tires;
> Gas guzzler automobiles;
> and Vaccines <> <> <> <> <>
> We have been fooled again, if we believe that the Affordable Care Act is all about health care. It is a monstrous law that will ration health care while bankrupting the country. It also appears to be a law with a whole lot of taxes that we the people have yet to be made aware of.
> It is a political con to gain more control. It is also a method to obtain more taxes for the liberals to buy the votes of the ignorant and uninformed and those who want something for nothing.
> I guess it’s just like Nancy Pelosi said, "We have to pass it to see what is in it." Well, what is next? What else is there we do not know about? Where is the press? O yes, it's in the tank for Obama Please pass this on

Was at Cabelas yesterday afternoon buying some primers and batteries, sure enough it shows up on the receipt.
Went to a local Walmart and bought some ammunition and it shows up on their receipt as “Tax 2”, even though ammunition is not listed.
Leaving aside, for the moment, all the rest of the junk in that law, one has to marvel at the irony (or the arrogance) of a law titled

"The Affordable Care Act"

which adds taxes (COST) to "medical devices"!

let alone defining "medical devices" apparently any way they see fit.

Maybe its because I don't get the "new math" but I fail to understand how adding to the cost of anything makes it more "affordable"....

Was at Cabelas yesterday afternoon buying some primers and batteries, sure enough it shows up on the receipt.
Went to a local Walmart and bought some ammunition and it shows up on their receipt as “Tax 2”, even though ammunition is not listed.

So, what you are saying is the "medical device tax" is being applied to primers & ammo (are they applying it to firearms?) without these items being defined as "medical devices".

I suppose that makes this thread gun related enough to keep it open, for now...
The above items that are having a medical device tax added to makes sense to me.

An outboard motor could be used to fashion some sort of Jacuzzi out of a tub for therapeutic purposes.

The ammo can be looked as a solution to a terminal illness after a certain age is reached.

If you think this is bad, just wait a couple of weeks for part two to kick in.
This needs to be exposed far and wide....I, for one, wonder what the implications are. For example, on the basis of this tax grab on fishing equipment, could you claim expenses for a fishing trip as medical expenses?:D
Thanks for clearing that up, I just happened to be looking for it, after reading the E-mail when I visited the store. I bought primers, some flashlight batteries, gloves and a shirt, kinda figured the extra tax was for the primers. 2.3% added up to my ammo purchases from both stores. I suppose if the Fed's aren't imposing it then maybe the wonderful state of Illinois thought it such a good idea they made it a state tax.
maybe the wonderful state of Illinois thought it such a good idea they made it a state tax.
Apparently Illinois, in addition to collecting state-wide sales tax, also collects additional sales taxes for many local governments; some of these are specific to particular categories of goods. They show up on receipts as "Tax 1," Tax 2," Tax 3," etc. Anyone who wants to read about this in excruciating detail can do so here.

The intricacies of Illinois' sales taxes aren't something we need to discuss here...
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