Tax evaders taken. No bloodshed

Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
Well this kinda got lost in all the goings on lately... Or was it just because it didn't end well? ("well" for the MSN = Lots of Blood)

Feds tricked holed-up tax evaders

U.S. marshals posing as supporters talked their way into the fortress-like New Hampshire home of convicted tax evaders Ed and Elaine Brown, then calmly took them into custody, authorities said.

"They invited us in, and we escorted them out," U.S. Marshal Stephen Monier said at a news conference on Friday.

So ended a tense, six-month standoff in the New Hampshire woods. The Browns had vowed they'd never be taken alive and holed up in their concrete-reinforced home in Plainfield. All along, though, they had continued to see anti-government activists.

Monier said the standoff "ended exactly the way we wanted it to, without a shot being fired and with no one being hurt."

Federal agents found several explosive devices inside and outside of the home along with weapons and ammunition. There also were several booby traps in the house and on the grounds.

The Browns were convicted in January of evading $1.9 million in taxes on Elaine Brown's dental practice -- a crime punishable by up to five years in prison. They were sentenced in absentia in April.

Throughout the standoff, the Browns insisted there was no valid law that requires them to pay income taxes.

"We have committed no crime and we will not go to prison for noncrimes," Elaine Brown told CNN in June.

Marshals cut off utilities to the house in early June, but the Browns told CNN it was not much of a hardship because they had their own wind turbine, as well as solar panels that provided some electricity.

Also, their property covers more than 103 acres, so there was plenty of wood to keep them warm in the winter, they said.

The couple and their New Hampshire home had become a rallying spot for anti-government supporters. Randy Weaver -- a survivor of the 1992 incident in Ruby Ridge, Idaho -- had recently visited the Browns to show his support.

Over the summer, the Browns invited their supporters and friends to an outdoor party on their property that included live music, bocci and barbeque. Their online invitations asked attendees to "stand in solidarity with the Browns against income tax fraud and celebrate freedom."

The Browns, who are in their 60s, now likely face a host of other charges.

Looks like that link is now dead (that's what I get for waiting a day before posting). New link and slightly different story is here.
Federal agents found several explosive devices inside and outside of the home along with weapons and ammunition. There also were several booby traps in the house and on the grounds.

Doesn't make them look like simple political activists as much as dangerous radicals
Eh??? And what's wrong with being a dangerous radical? More than one of our founding fathers was a "dangerous radical"

Edit: I don't mean to imply that the Brown's are the good sort of dangerous radical...just that you say "dangerous radical" like it's necessarily a bad thing! :)
I guess it depends on who views an individual as "dangerous" If a person's family and friends feel that he's dangerous..that's probably a bad thing. But it a corrupt government considers someone "dangerous" I'd say that that is a wonderful thing.
The feds did a good job by arresting them without bloodshed or violence.

And you're probably right, Anti, no bloodshed means not much media attention.

Edited to add:

an outdoor party on their property that included live music, bocci and barbeque.

Can anyone tell me what the heck "bocci" is???
Big steel balls thrown at little cork balls. Not for anyone under the age of 60 due to horrendous injuries that can be accrued from big steel balls flying around :D
Dont go dissing my bocci balls, it is in the same category as horseshoes and bowling, "sports":rolleyes: you can enjoy while drinking a cold one.

Of course this takes the wind out of the sales of all those LE haters around here who are always crying about "swat/military" tactics of the police.
WHAT! No tanks or poison gas or fast-roping Feds on black helicopters shooting puppies? What kind of government op is this?.... :eek:

Marshals cut off utilities to the house in early June, but the Browns told CNN it was not much of a hardship because they had their own wind turbine, as well as solar panels that provided some electricity.

Al Gore would be proud....

Not for anyone under the age of 60 due to horrendous injuries that can be accrued from big steel balls flying around

Sounds like some of the sports bars I've been to.... ;)