Taurus Tracker 44 magnum


New member

My Local LGS has a Taurus Tracker in 44 magnum for less then $400. Does anyone here have one or experience with one? Is it a good revolver?

What do you think


I've got one that I paid about $400 for a few months ago. I like it. It's loud with the comp barrel, but shoots just fine. Now, I've never fired a magnum load in it. Never have and probably never will, but with Specials it's great. I take care of the loud problem with ear plugs and muffs. Recoil is not bad at all, but that's with Specials. I suspect with full magnum loads it would get your attention.
Take a look at the revolver check list at the top of this page. Print it out and see how the revolver you're looking at stacks up.

I have, many times, made fun of Taurus products but it's all in good fun and I would have no problem buying one if the price was right, like (IMhO) your case.

Good luck.
I fired a friend's with full power 44magnum rounds. It worked like it should, but I only put a single cylinder through the gun. Recoil was stout, but not unmanageable. I felt it in the webbing between my thumb and the rest of my hand. I wouldn't want to send 44mag downrange for extended periods. We turned a watermelon into a puddle.:)

I would consider a Tracker in 357mag
I had a blued 44 mag tracker with 4" barrel. I really liked the gun but hated the porting. I wish it would occur to Taurus to make these without the porting. Plus with the porting you lose an inch of barrel. And because of the porting you are not supposed to shoot shot loads through it. Part of the reason I bought it was to shoot shot loads for the rattle snake infested deer lease I was on.

I shot a few full power loads through mine but when looking at the crane on the gun it is not any bigger than the crane on a K-Frame S&W and looked a little small for powerful rounds. I ended up loading mid power rounds in 44 mag brass and found it to be about perfect when used as a 5 shot 44 Special that could handle higher pressure 44 special loads.

I wish I still had it. I have looked at getting another one in stainless steel. Especially if I found a deal on a clean used one. They have their place if thats the type of gun you are looking for. If the price is something you can live with then get it.
I have a 5 shot , model 455 in 45 acp . Fixed sights , two inch , ported barrel , uses full moon clips and I absolutely love this little rascal . Very well made , all tolerances are to specification , tight chambers , perfect sized throats and barrel dimensions . It's the most accurate 45 acp I have ever owned including a Colt Gold Cup .
Nothing bad to say about this one . I would buy a 4 inch model with adjustable sights if Taurus makes one .
Taurus may have had a poor reputation in the past but I think they have improved .
I'm keeping my 45 acp snub nose ...it's sweet !