Taurus Titanium Tracker Multi-calber modification


I just saw a write up on this pistol in some gun mag at some store.

Ported barrel, titanium construction, 7 shot cylinder in .357, and a nice looking grip.

I've got more background in revolvers than autos, and I've rethought my position on what a handgun should do for me to include utility as a hunting weapon. From what I've read .357mag is a suitable round for medium game, and the four inch ported barrel on the handgun I mentioned above was reported to be fairly accurate by the author of the article. Since anyone can shoot better than me at present, I consider that an expert opinion. :)

Anyway, one of the other criteria was the ability to fire different sorts of ammo for survival and flexibility reasons. Since it ends up I'm getting back into the Army after all, I like the idea of being able to shoot either .357mag, the most powerful caliber I can handle, or 9mm, the standard sidearm round these days, through the same gun.

So, does anybody know if a multi-caliber conversion of this gun would be feasable? I could just get a Medusa and be done with it, but I like the features of the Taurus better, and in my opinion it looks cooler, which is a minor yet significant consideration.

Pride of ownership and what have you.

Thanks in advance...
Snickersnee, I have yet to even look at a 9mm revolver. Much less a .357 that will handle them. The .357 is a very versatile chambering by itself. You can use heavy magnum loads for defense/hunting down to .38 spl wadcutters for killing tin cans and small game as well as shot shells for snakes, rats, etc. But it is my understanding that the cylinder/ejector is set up in such a way to handle both. I would think that this as an aftermarket conversion would be very expensive. It sounds like something Cylinder & Slide might do. The .357 in a 4" is IMO marginal for deer sized game. As in all pistol hunting bullet placement is the most important factor in hunting. With any handgun for hunting I would recommend at least a 6" barrel and the heaviest bullet loading offered. George
Interesting topic.

Phillips and Rodgers sold the Medusa
technology to Colt. They were going
to produce a multicaliber revolver
called the Survivor. But since Colt
is dropping most of its handgun line
as it bends over to HCI, I wouldn't
count on seeing this gun. Maybe
Taurus or SW could pick it up if it
was reasonable.

At one time, SW made a 9mm J frame -
the 940 but it is out of the line.
It needed moon clips. They also made
small numbers of the 9mm 547 with
IIRC little beryllium finger doodads
to eject the 9mm.

It would be interesting if someone
got a new lt. weight 9mm revolver
in production. As far as the multicaliber
capacity, I think the big issue is
38/357 and 9mm X19 interchangeability.
Shooting all those other weird old rounds
isn't interesting to me.


Yeah, the only intrest I have in the other rounds is cheap plinking...

But .357, .38, and 9mm and you'd have a pretty darn adaptable weapon.

I've never tried the handgun hunting thing, but I figured since a pistol is more portable than a rifle or shotgun, therefore more likely for me to keep around, it'd be nice to have the ability to hunt with it.

Anyway, deer in my state seldom get over 140lbs. Assuming good placement, would .357 through a four inch barrel suffice?

I've heard of people taking them with headshots from a .22 rifle.

Does Cylinder and Slide have a website?
I liked the retracting finger doo-dad that somebuddy developed before the Medusa's execution of the idea. Didn't Ruger try some round spring steel thingy in the ejector for their short-lived (Service Six?) 9mm revolver?

Anyways, I believe the best way to convert the Taurus you like would be with a separate 9mm cylinder. The cylinder would have whatever ejection system (or non-system like moon clips) built in, and you wouldn't have the sloppy chamber problems you'd otherwise be buying with an attempt to make one cylinder do all jobs (none of them well).

The 9mm capability could prove useful if things get really bad...
Snickersnee, when I said the .357 in a 4" was marginal, what I mean is and this is only my opinion, the .357 is on the light side for deer to begin with and the shorter barrel means less velocity and energy. But the larger concern with the shorter barrel is the reduced sight radius which takes us back to placement. As long as you limit your shots to the range capability of the shooter/pistol your gun should serve you pretty well as a hunter. I lived in Indiana for roughly 15 years. There it was either shotgun with slug or handgun for deer. Since the woods I hunted were too thick to allow much over a 50 yd shot I opted for a handgun. I used a S&W 29 with the 8-3/8" bbl loaded with handloads that used the Hornady 300gr XTP bullet. I've only shot at 11 deer with that pistol. All 11 were one shot kills and only one wasn't dropped in it's tracks. It ran about 15 yds before falling. On the other hand several friends of mine hunted with .357s and every season there were woeful tales of deer shot and not found, or of long runs after a 15-25 yd shot that should have been a sure kill and dropped it like a stone. George