Taurus/Rossi .44 Spl. revolvers

Since S&W is on my "You go to hell and DIE DIE DIE!" list, I'm actually looking at Rossi & Taurus revolvers for the first time.

I've been wanting a .44 Spl. The 696 is out for obvious reasons, but also due to the fact that I HATE stainless steel.

Anyone have any experience with these two manufacturer's .44 Spls?
I Have a 10 year old Taurus .44spl 3" SS model 431. I added a Houge grip and reduced the trigger with a $14 wolf spring Kit.

The Gun is Great, My favorite revolver I like it better than my GP-100

I would not compare the Taurus to the Rossi the rossi is not in the same quality class (lower) the Rossi the better gun in the cheap gun class (Opinion)

Taurus is superior and the lifetime warranty doesn't hurt and that is on the gun not the owner.
I've had three or four of the Taurus versions. All fine, serviceable weapons. Triggers from the box are a crap shoot. I've had some fair and some excellent. The current 3" 431 I have has a fantastic single action trigger but the double is very heavy. The early Taurus guns were a bit of a problem for production quality but the newer ones seem to be much better. Watch out for loose parts as they tend to come apart after shooting long strings of fire (50 or more). Some loctite usually cures this (thumblatch and ejector rod being the problems I've had). Otherwise, they are great guns. Also, the 2" I had wouldn't shoot the slower loads like Silvertips worth a flip.
Hello. I, too, have an older 3" bbl'd Taurus 431. I was lucky in that the action was relatively good out of the box and the thing hits point of aim with most of the warmer loads I shoot in it. Mine is now a trusted "house gun" loaded with Triton 165 gr QuikShoks. Best.
I suggest you take a look at the older charter arms bulldogs, i am currently on a quest to find one myself. oddly enough, the charter arms weighs less than a taurus titanium 44 special.
Rossi revolvers made since 1993, IMO, are at least as good as Taurus. Some that I've handled had out-of-the-box actions as smooth as S&Ws.

I used to own a Taurus 431. It was a fine gun, but a bit bulky. My Rossi 720 is my most-carried wheelgun. Very accurate with Hornady 180gr. XTPs.

Unfortunately, Rossi/Braztech does not currently produce a .44 Spl.
I HATE stainless steel. ...

Then you don't want the Rossi, and that's unfortunate for you. I've owned two...and still have the second, a 720 Covert Special [fluted cylinder, hammerless DAO] that's a little lighter, obviously, than the unfluted cylinder/hammer model with adjustable sights.

After a quick-fix on the first [weak cylinder lock-up spring] I never had a problem. In fact, regretted selling the first so bad that I searched for the second.

Can't say that either model is exactly pleasant with 200g loads, but there is one thing that's undeniable...the barrel has a big ol' hole in the biz' end.

Perhaps there's a more trouble-free, dependable car or bedside revolver if you like the bigger calibers, but I'm not sure what that would be, especially for the ridiculously low price of the Rossi wheelguns.

RE: Rossi v. Taurus...

Completely moot these days...both are marketed through BrazTech Imports [i.e.- Rossi made by Taurus] and both are made on the latest-model CNC machines. I owned a high-polish stainless Rossi M462/.357 Mag. and couldn't tell any real difference between it and the Taurus product. In fact, I'd have been hard-pressed to tell it from a current-mdl. *&* revolver in like material.

For a throw-back like you ;) who aspires to a series of deep-blued three-, four- and five-screws, this must be somewhat frustrating...but there really is a place for
stainless- or alloy-framed revolvers these days.

Welcome to the 21st Century, Mike! <ggg>


P.S.- You know me from a previous on-line life...:cool:

A 696 is stainless steel.

As I noted in my original message, I HATE stainless steel (soulless steel).

That is, however, strictly on aesthetic grounds. I recognize SS' better resistance to corrosion, but I'm still not interested.
ANDY OGLESBY! Hey, good to see you again!

I can't believe it's been almost a year since the old Firearms Forum finally shut down. Bastards at AOHell... :mad:

Ok, I thought Rossi made a blued .44 Spl., but I take it from your message that they don't.

Yeah, it is frustrating, but simply from the fact that S&W never made a smaller-frame blued .44 Spl., so I have to go to one of the other revolver makers.

Did you hear that I got an almost unfired Model 58 in .41 Mag. last year?

It totally and completely KICKS ASS!

I now see why there is a small but incredibly loyal group of .41 Mag. people out there.
Ah...the e-mail address gave me away. :)

Hello, Mike!

Never know when you're going to find someone from that group of FFer's who scattered to the four winds when Case and his merry band of fascists took over Compuserve.

"...I thought Rossi made a blued .44 Spl., but I take it from your message that they don't."

Don't know that for sure, but I've never seen a blued version.

"Did you hear that I got an almost unfired Model 58 in .41 Mag. last year?"

Have never owned anything in that caliber. Probably should.
I handled one a show last year but didn't bite. Do you know what year yours was made?
Own a Rossi 720 DAO. Unbelievably nice DA trigger; almost as good as my 625-4, no word of a lie! Couldn't you get it coated with some high-tech finish and pretend it was blued? ;)

Had a Bulldog Pug in electroless matte nickel. So light that I've spent years with the mistaken belief that it had an alloy frame. Unfortunately, after just under 300 rounds (1 or 2 boxes of Silvertips and the balance in PMC 240gr SWC's), it had so much endshake and play in the cylinder that I sold it because I was too skeered to shoot it any more. Also, on more than one occasion, the retaining screw for the cylinder latch would back out under the recoil and leave me calling for a cease fire on the line while I crawled about on my hands and knees looking for the dang cylinder latch; most uncool. As the ancient Romans said: "Caveat emptor, baby".
Oh, well...I guess the idea of "Blackened" stainless-steel is a stomach-turner too, then??? That's a shame, 'cause the 696 is SUCH a nice piece....mikey357

I've no experience with Rossi, please beware of Taurus quality. ( I must sound like a broken record with this)

I bought a 445 ( these DO come blued), it fit my hand like a glove; had a nice DA trigger; was VERY accurate with 200 grain Win. silvertips.....BUT had firing pin spring break twice...no good for defensive tool..I'll give them the benefit of the doubt, as this was a brand new gun fresh off the drawing board, maybe had some design flaws; other folks seem to have had good luck with later model Taurus guns.

I'd still be careful..

Mike M

The idea of blackened stainless isn't repugnant to me (I've got a blackened S&W airweight revolver), but I'm not going to pay the kind of price that a 696 commands and then spend $150 or more just for cosmetic things when I can get a gun from a different manufacturer.

38Mike, (do you guys sit beside each other on the ammo shelf? :))

I'm not so worried about the springs because I won't be using this gun for defensive purposes. If I want a big bore defensive gun, I've got a .41 Mag. and a .45 ACP revolver, in addition to a 1911A1.

I really just want a .44 Special to play around with until I can find a good condition, good priced S&W Model 24.