Taurus PT1911 in IPSC/IDPA???


I am going to start shooting in IDPA and IPSC (maybe) and I want to upgrade my present 1911 to a Taurus PT1911, I presently have a RIA.
I have looked over the rule books for IPSC and IDPA and it left me still wondering what divisions this 1911 could participate in because of it's "custom features" such as checkered front strip and serrations on front slide so I figure I would ask the pros.
Not that I am going to be competitive or anything but I dont want to have to compete with "race guns".

Thanks in Adance
Welcome to the sport..

no pro...but I do love the shooting games..

the 1911 fits in several divisions..and better in some..

for IDPA..if it is a .45acp..it will be in CDP, if it is a 9mm, 38 super, 40, 10mm it will be in ESP..

for USPSA...the 1911 fits best in the new single stack division.that was meant for the 1911, also Limited 10 with 10 round mags, or Limited..but you will be up against the wide body guns..

also remember there are several single stack only matches around regionally and the big one put on by the 1911 society and Springfield Armory in April..the Single Stack Classic.
High Over All

You do compete with everyone at a "match", as well as competing with everyone in your "class". At least in USPSA comps, IDPA? Too long since I have shot that one? But in USPSA you compete for HOA or high over all winner with everyone there. And yes, I have seen limited shooters just smoke everyone and win, I know-I shoot Open Class!
Just makes me want to get better and faster...
That's what comps are for, at least for me....I never leave a competition without learning something. And as long as I'm having "fun" I can say I will keep going back for more. And yes, I get beat by "Limited" guns a lot, but I'm getting better and I'm starting to make it difficult for them.
Just keep shooting

Scott B.
Jim, you are going to be up against "race" guns in any class you shoot with any gun, even production class. Even though production seriously limits the modifications allowed lots of guys in production have had extensive trigger work done, sights and so on. It doesn't mean you won't be competitive, nor does it mean anything else. We all choose guns based on what we want.

Don't think about what anyone else is doing, think about what you want to do. What you NEED is a gun that is reliable first of all, then spend some time shooting matches to get some experience. You will find out pretty quickly what you need, what you don't, and what you want.

At club level matches you won't get any flack about your RIA or a Taurus if you get one.
Thanks all for the great advice, I almost forgot, I am not really going to compete against other people it's about seeing how I can do out there and how I can improve my skills.
My RIA has been reliable, accurate and hiccup free up to this point so I don't see why I shouldn't just give it a chance.

Thanks again.
Sounds like a good plan...

your RIA should be fine...

do you have your other gear??? holster, pouches, mags, and stuff..

what club are you going to shoot at???
Jim, I think you are making a good decision.

Shoot for a while to learn the standard procedures and get comfortable, then measure your progress. I use some very good shooters at my local club matches as a 'bar' to see how I stack up. A couple are A and M class, and one amazing B shooter that just can't seem to get the classifiers knocked out with the same efficiency. They are consistent, very experienced, and shoot most every match. They also have different abilities, meaning one might be able to stand and shoot like a machine while another moves like a real athlete, one might be a real bullet hose at close range and another might be super accurate. I look at overall placings, then each stage individually. If I do well compared to them I go over the stage until I think I have a theory of why I was able to do well. If I do poorly compared to them I try to work out what skill they posess that I don't that allowed them to do so much better. Sounds silly and simple, but it is working. I am making good progress and gaining proficiency, placing better and better too. All using the gun I had on hand when I started. I do have a 'race' gun on order, but using my carry/normal gun hasn't stopped me from learning a thing.
Jim, I agree with all the advice given above. If your RIA is accurate and reliable, take it out and have some fun.

As already said, in USPSA you can shoot in the new single stack class, Limited-10, or Limited. In Limited, you will be up against shooters with 18-20 rd or so mag capacity. Depending on stage design, this is not necessarily a big (or any) disadvantage.

The class you fit into best may depend on the number of shooters at your club. Many times single stack and Limited-10 will have shooters of all abilities grouped together into a single class. Limited will usually have more shooters and be broken down into Master-A-B-C-D divisions depending on your ability. Most clubs will have you shoot 3 matches or so unclassified then put you into an appropriate division according to your scores.

Welcome to a fun and addicting sport!