Taurus Model 66? Good or Bad?


New member

I am still hunting for my first handgun. I'd like it to be a .357 mag revolver. Some folks have pointed me towards Taurus because I have some limited funds to purchase. Do any of you have experience with the Taurus 66? Specifically the double
action, matte stainless steel finish, .357 Mag, fully adjustable rear sight, rubber grips, 7 round capacity.. I've seen many of these selling for new on Gunsamerica.com for around 300-350 US dollars. How do you like?

Also, are most of the dealers on gunsamerica reliable?

I liked the two or three I have handled. The ones that seem to have the most issues NIB are the Ti guns. For the price of that new Taurus, have you considered a used Smith 686+, or a Ruger(if you can live with 6)?
I recommend it very highly. It's a very good value. The price that you quoted seems about right for a new one.

Also, if you want speedloaders to go with it, you can look at Taurus' web site. They have a reference list includes the HKS speedloader product number; it couldn't be any easier than that.
I have had a Taurus 669 (a blued variation of the 66 with a 6 shot cyl, 4" heavy underlugged barrel and round butt, wood grips.) for the past 10 years. It's been a great gun. Shoots more accurately than I do and has never given me a hint of a problem.

I think a new Taurus 66 would be a safe choice for a first gun. (safe = reliable, versatile, satisfying, and all around able to get the job done)

Have a questioon about TAURUS

Back several years ago when BANGOR PUNTO[?] owned Smith & Wesson and Taurus there was a roumer floating around that S&W revolvers were "TUNABLE" by a gunsmith. Taurus were not tunable because the inside/gust were made of inferior pot-metal. What is the quaality and tunability of Taurus firearms now? I really don't know.
I owned a Taurus M66 for years. It was my first DA handgun too!!! I had no problems with it at all. I traded mine for a pre-1973 Ruger single-six. Last I heard, the new owner loved it too!!!
Taurus Model 66

This was my first pistol. It was exactly as you described, execpt it was blued. Its an excellent weapon, and is very accurate. Taurus also has one of the best if not the best warranties. You'd do well with the Taurus.
Many thanks to all who posted followups to my original question.. Believe it or not, I found a new Taurus 605 today and I went with it. My reasons were:

1. Unique safety lock built in. A lock of some sort is a necessity since I have two young children at home. My wife has made me promise that even though I'll be keeping it out of the way, it's got to have a lock of some sort - otherwise she'll come after me with a rolling pin. With the Taurus, you can't lose the lock! ;)

2. Felt really nice in my hand. Weight was good and easily managable.

3. The two inch barrel and the overall size of the gun is far more condusive to CCW.

Thanks again!