Taurus Model 66, 7 shot


New member
Found one of these in a local shop and I was wondering if anyone has had any experience with this model. It seems to have mostly a full underlug, so can it handle a diet of mostly 357s? Its a six inch barrel but balances really well, and is extremely lightweight! I am wondering about long term durability. It points just great. I also like the feature of that seventh shot, the ace in the hole, if you will. But I know nothing of this gun. Please volunteer any information that could be helpful in this purchase- and on deciding whether or not it is indeed worth purchasing!
Well, I don't really have any info to give you, as I have never even seen a Taurus 66 in person. However, I know what it is like to be in a lonely thread. :D

But seriously, I have been considering a Taurus 66 myself within the last few weeks. If you find out something from someplace or end up getting one let me know if you don't mind.
I have had a number of Tauruses over the years and have had no problems. I currently own A .357 mag 7 shot tracker (model 627ss4) and a .357 mag 7 shot total ti Mobel 617, and my deptartment issued my a model 85 ultra lite 5 shot 38 for a back up. They all shot well. I have quailfied with both 357 mags on a Auto handgun course. You should have no problems with the Taurus.