Has anyone actually seen/shot one of these? They show the PT-132 on their website. I`m thinking it may be another cantidate for Mrs.Marcus. She`s recoil and muzzle blast shy and needs a gun that`ll fit her tiny hands. Being big for a .32 I`d think the Millenium would be a real pussycat to shoot. 10 rounds of .32 JHPs is nothing to sneeze at and the slide should be easy enough for her to pull back (something she can`t do with the compact .380s and 9mms she`s tried). Oh and the .32 shouldn`t have near enough umph to crack the frame. I`d also considered the itty bitty Keltec .32 but due to it`s size and weight (or lack thereof) it`s not what I think she`d consider pleasant to shoot. The Taurus should be easier to hit with too and it`ll present a much more formitable visage for potential BGs. What do you folks think? Marcus