Taurus makes these great little Bulldogs...But where's my 10mm?


New member
Taurus makes a whole selection of these stylish little wheelguns in the best British tradition. They come in .357 mag, .41 mag, .44 special, and .45 colt, and a wide variety of materials and porting options. So if they can chamber these things for .41 mag, how come they don't produce a 10mm? It would run on moon clips, arguably the fastest way to load a revolver, and you could run .40's as sub-loads like a .38 special in a .357. The free-bore would probably reduce recoil! Porting works best with high-pressure rounds, as I'll confirm with my .41 Tracker.

And while we're at it, why not the .45 ACP, for all the same reasons except sub-loads? It seems very obvious, and everyone respects S&W 625's and 610's. These are guns the market is ready for, if those other calibers are selling. Heck, I'd buy one of each. The rest of 'em are on my list (I can't decide between the 7-shot .357, the .44 special, the .41 mag, or the .45 colt. Gotta get 'em all, I guess. Its a tough world when a guy can't get all the guns he needs. Stupid Gray Davis and his damn one-handgun-a month crap.).

How about it? Good idea? I want a Tracker in each caliber too. seems eminently reasonable to me. Taurus is a company that seems to be willing to stretch the box a little. We need an aggresive e-mail campaign! WHO'S WITH ME?!


Well, don't everyone jump up at once, now...

;) :D ;)
Little over a year ago, Taurus attempted to create a .40 S&W and the gun failed miserably during the prototype stages and the idea was eventually scrapped. The forty made it to the Taurus web site and was soon deleted. There was rumored to be a 45 ACP gun that also did not make the grade either. Something about automatic cartridges in titanium revolvers, the concept seems easy enough, but in reality, they're an engineers worse nightmare. Ask anyone that has a Smith & Wesson 464PC in forty S&W. That gun is far from perfect. I know because I've got one.

Titanium ten millimeter? Now there's a real pipe dream. I'll take one of those please!

I want a 610 revolver! Anyone got one?

The problem with putting a high pressure auto cartridge in a lightweight snub revolver is case neck tension. The recoil from these little guns keeps causing the bullets to pull out of the case and bind up the cylinder. All of the Taurus lightweight guns are ported to reduce the amount of force producing the bullet pull out. A taper crimp is just not enough to hold the bullet in place. If someone were to commercially produce 10mm or 40 S&W ammo with a cannelure and a tight roll crimp then these revolvers may be a possibility, but that is not going to happen because both of these round headspace on the case mouth in auto loaders. And that is reason why the commercial manufacturers will probably never produce an auto cartridge with a cannelure and a roll crimp. WIth a roll crimp one would have to use moon clips or the case would need a rim. Sounds like a new cartridge is needing to be developed for the lightweight snubs.
You think too small... If they can get auto cartridges into a revolver, why not go for the 50AE??? Now there's a pocket pistol. :D:D

I too would love a 45acp Taurus revolver, I know the 45colt is there, but the ammo selection is a bit limited. Now that said, I have a 415Titanium, so I know about having a limited ammo selection. :)

MO :cool:
Taurus big-bore small revolvers

Hey Hand_Rifle_Guy-The bad part is that Taurus has not yet had the large bores like the little .41 mag, the .44 Special and the .45 Colt "safety tested" yet, as required by that paragon of California law, therefore those guns cannot yet be sold here in California.

I'm not even wishing for the .45 ACP or 10mm yet-I just want to be able to buy the .41 mag or the .44 Special snub here...I wish Taurus would hurry up.

California politicians suck on ice.
Oops, forgot about that Kaliforny nonsense, and I live here! I haven't checked the "PC" gun list lately. Idiots!:mad: I bought my Tracker last year, before all that crap. Great. More guns I gotta have that I can't buy in this state. Sheesh!

BTW, what in samhell is a Sellout & Worthless 464PC? Never hoid'a such a ting!

I heard the rumors of the Taurus .40, and wondered what became of it. Bummer. I still want one, though. If I can't have 10mm, a .45 would do. It doesn't have anything like the power of the 10mm. And it doesn't need to be titanium, stainless suits me fine. I suppose, in that context, that a Tracker is all I can hope for. Which means it's not happening any time soon. Heck, I can't even get a .45 colt Tracker, and they make the snubbie version of that one.

Of course, that doesn't address Kaliforny's gun ban, so it's all academic until I move out of this Commie regime.
