Taurus M44?


Looking for my first .44 magnum. I will be using it for recreational purposes only. I like the fact that this one comes with a muzzle compensator. I understand the Taurus guns aren't the best in the world, but the price is right and I've read decent things about the M44 model.

Thanks all!

I have one in my safe that has been shot about 500rds. Of those 500rds, 450 have been 44 special and the remaining 50 have been magnum rounds. The gun will not lockup, right now. I am tired of going through this hassle of having to get Taurus to fix their poor quality control and poor production quality. Whatever it is, it is still a problem. And, Taurus has yet to pay return shipping on this gun. So, it will just stay in the safe...torn up as I will not pay for it to go for repair, only to repeat this, again.

I really like the gun, might be the best shooting DA revolver that I have ever shot...muzzle brake works great and great trigger...just not worth it to try to keep it working. I would never buy another one.YMMV

BTW, it doesn't help that this is the second Taurus revolver that I have had this same experience with. But, that is my fault as I should have never bought the second one.

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I've only shot an M44. My experience is the same as above. However, I own two of this model's siblings; an eight-shot M608 in .357 Magnum and a seven-shot M607 in .360 Dan Wesson. These two are solid shooters and have had zero problems. While some replace the springs to lighten the trigger, I found polishing the action works just as well and doesn't cause light primer strikes. The one upgrade I do endorse is the addition of a ball detent crane lock (if it doesn't already have one) to make the revolver a true triple lock.
sorry to hear Shootniron; that revolver looks good.

khegglie, thanks...the gun is gorgeous...beautiful, deep, lustrous blue, excellent exterior fit and finish, great trigger and VERY accurate. It just makes me sick that it is not reliable.
I've shot a .22lr and a .38spl to complete failure in under 500 rounds. Repair work is a nightmare. Taurus is best avoided IMHO. I can only imagine .44 undoing itself even faster
I've never owned nor shot one but I handled one just yesterday and it was a nice revolver. This one was stainless and scoped. It was a customer of mines and he had no qualms about it either. I've not had bad experiences with any Taurus I've owned but just handle the particular firearm you plan on buying beforehand.
I had no idea these were made so poorly. 500 rounds is when a gun should just be getting warmed up, not when it should be breaking.

Think I'll be avoiding this one guys.
I have owned about ten Taurus handguns. One gave trouble and I had to send it back twice before it was fixed properly. The rest have been fine. Several that I owned for a long time had many thousands of rounds put through them without any problems. Most of them have had kind of stiff triggers. A few have had very nice triggers. In my experience they have generally been pretty good but not great handguns. If you find one with a nice trigger you have probably scored a very nice handgun for not much money. My best Taurus revolvers were made in the late 80's and early 90's.
I had no idea these were made so poorly.

I personally do not believe that they are.
I do believe that there are some out there with problems, and some of those problems may be greater than others.
I do believe that there may be a time period where the number of them with problems may've been a greater percentage of the total number produced.

I own four Taurus revolvers now, and only one of those four has exhibited any issue. The issues exhibited are not the fault of Taurus in my opinion, but because a previous owner took it upon him or herself to improve the revolver.
They failed, plain and simple.

That is my opinion based on my experience, and as I've said before, that is as it should be.
I listen to the opinions of others, but don't typically accept them without finding out for myself. Maybe I'm stubborn or just stupid, or maybe I'm from the 'show me' state and simply can't help myself.

Bottom line is that I've learned that more often than not, the opinions of others tend to not ring true for me.

The only way that you will ever be able to accurately form your own opinion is to find out for yourself.
The only way that you will ever be able to accurately form your own opinion is to find out for yourself.

I agree...and I found out for myself...they do make some bad ones...I bought 2 revolvers...got 2 bad revolvers... 100% of those Taurus guns, have been bad guns.
My experience has been quite different.

I own a 2008 M44SS6 that is my hunting sidearm. Never had a problem.

I bought my son a 2012 M444B6 Raging Bull. He's not had any problems with it.

We carry these bow hunting in grizzly country in eastern Idaho just over the hill from Yellowstone. That should tell you that we have confidence in them.

I own five .357 Gauchos from 2005 - 2006 that I shoot regularly, as in two or three matches a month, in Cowboy Action Shooting competition. Never an issue with any of them.

I have a 1992 669 4" blued .357 that has never had anything go wrong with it.

That's eight Taurus revolvers that have never been back to the factory or needed to go there.

I also own a PT-738, a PT-709, and three R92's, two in .44 and one in .357, and a Trifecta that have never had any problems. The R92's have been used in competition also.

Altogether that's 14 Taurus built weapons that work just fine and have never given any problems.

As I said, my experience has been quite different.
My experience has been quite different.

I own a 2008 M44SS6 that is my hunting sidearm. Never had a problem.

I bought my son a 2012 M444B6 Raging Bull. He's not had any problems with it.

We carry these bow hunting in grizzly country in eastern Idaho just over the hill from Yellowstone. That should tell you that we have confidence in them.

I own five .357 Gauchos from 2005 - 2006 that I shoot regularly, as in two or three matches a month, in Cowboy Action Shooting competition. Never an issue with any of them.

I have a 1992 669 4" blued .357 that has never had anything go wrong with it.

That's eight Taurus revolvers that have never been back to the factory or needed to go there.

I also own a PT-738, a PT-709, and three R92's, two in .44 and one in .357, and a Trifecta that have never had any problems. The R92's have been used in competition also.

Altogether that's 14 Taurus built weapons that work just fine and have never given any problems.

As I said, my experience has been quite different.
Tad_T is offline Report Post

Well, that is the reason we can't get a good one...you have all of them.

BTW, you are welcome to carry my M44 as your sidearm, in bear country.
I have a Ragging Bull 44.It did have an initial problem with certain type of ammo.A trip back to Taurus did not solve it.They had it for 4 months on my dime. Never acknowledged receiving it. I ended up fixing myself. Extractor needed fit to cylinder.

Since then It has been reliable,has a good trigger and is very accurate. It is the softest shooting 44 mag i have ever used.

I think a big part of Taurus's rep is there poor customer service and their refusal to pay shipping on repairs.

My last two new Smith and Wesson revolvers had problems.617 had canted barrel and sights would not adjust to POA. A model 60 came missing a side plate screw.If these were my first Smiths I'd be saying they all are crap.

The difference was SW paid shipping on the 617 fixed the problem and I swear they smoothed up the action.I had it back in less than two weeks.The screw for the 60 I had in two days along with some spares at no charge.

They all let a few bad ones out,Taurus probably more than others. It is how they treat you afterward that makes the difference.