Taurus holster suggestions


I have a Taurus Total Titanium 2" .38 spl revolver and would like your opinion on a front pocket holster.

I have an Uncle Mike's Sidekick size 36 which is made for IWB carry, and have an Uncle Mike's inside pocket holster on order. The only problem that I have with the Uncle Mike's holsters is I don't feel the holster protects the trigger enough. What do you think? Is leather better for safety?

I am most concerned with:

1. Safety
2. Concealability and size
3. Comfort.

I am considering a Hedley ( www.hedleyholsters.com ). Has anyone tried a Hedley with a Taurus ( he shows a S&W :( J Frame that supposed will work with a Taurus, but which Taurus)

How about Milt Sparks PCH-RI?

Any other suggestions?

Thank you!

David K.

MCRGO www.mcrgo.org

"The Price of Liberty is Eternal Vigilance"
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I've been carrying a Taurus Ultra-lite 2" in a Uncle Mike's #3 Sidekick for 2 years with nary a problem. I have no safety issues with this holster.

When I first started looking for a pocket holster I was wanting leather. When I couldn't find one right off, I picked the Uncle Mike's up at a gun show to use until I could get leather. The Uncle Mike's was working so well and the leather holsters were out of my price range at the time that I just quit looking.

Not to say that I won't run across a nice leather holster that I will just have to have but I'm in no hurry.
Same here, I carry my Taurus 38s in a Uncle Mikes holster. I dont know the model or number of the holster, but it is black nylon and goes on my belt.
I recommend Uncle Mike's as well. When I carry my Taurus snub I use the pocket holster and it works very well.
I have carried my 2 1/4" sp101 in a #3 uncle mikes. It worked ok. The reason I quit was the sp was just to heavy for pocket carry. The holster was great as far as fast draw, holster retention, breaking up gun outline, and covering the trigger gaurd. The only drawback was it could be a little tricky to reholster.
The taurus shouldn't have the weight concern I ran into.
I use the uncle mike's 36 IWB also...with one modifiction...I sew up a small amount of the material at the rear of the top...just pinch it with the gun in it until it takes a slight tug to draw it, then sew it...works like a custom molded holster and doesn't let the gun pop out when you sit...you can even turn it upside down and it won't fall out...(for a cleaner look, pinch the material inward so there is no excess sticking out)...got mine for 8 bucks on the web...can't remember where but if you do a search you'll find 'em pretty cheap....it also doubles as my back pocket holster by sticking it in the rear pocket with the clip on the outside and a shirt over it...not too good for the front though...for that I sew two pieces of leather together at my shoemaker and wala....
I just picked up one of the Uncle Mike's holsters size 36 for my Taurus 605. It is one of those 'inside the pant' holsters...is that the same as IWB?

I'll admit, I was having some buyers remorse over getting this one because I didn't get the retention strap (mainly because I wanted to also put it in a coat pocket occasionally) some of the suggestions here make me feel alot better about my purchase.

My main question is where do you carry using this holster? Hip? Rear? crotch? I tried it out in a mirror and for someone who has tucked in his shirts for decades, I am going to have to adjust to untucked shirts right?

Thanks for the posts!
I like the Galco for front-pocket snubbie carry with khaki's. Although, it's just a glorified (fitted) version of what "don't shoot it's me" recommends.

I like the back pocket carry, too. If someone demands my wallet, I'll let 'em have it...
I carry it on the hip...mostly inside, but for real comfort with a shirt out, try it between the belt and pants (right over the logo on most jeans between the close belt loops)....very concealable and great when your pants are a bit snug......
I am a serious holster snob and not a big fan of cheapo nylon "sausage sacks". But, the two biggest bangs for the buck in the holster world are Uncle Mike's IWB and Pocket holsters. Thin, lightweight, and entirely adequate for the job.
Count me in the snob club too T...all my serious P7 leather is from Delfatti (a little expensive but worth every penny)...but when it comes to a little lightweight snub, less is more.....can't see strapping on a big molded piece of leather for 14 ounces of gun...

If you do not wish to go for the 'newveau slob' look, as folks such as I have adapted to (untucked shirts and tees), try wearing a light weight vest or wind breaker, when the weather permits. I have seen some rather nice simulated suade(?) vests that look quite nice.

I carry my M85 in a Uncle Mikes IWB holster, the same as quite a few folks have posted. I carry it in one of three ways (IWB):
1. On the hip.
2. Just forward of the hip (muzzle in line with pelvis).
3. Cross draw, same as #2 except on opposite side.

Lots of luck!

Sounds like good advice. Thanks.

I wear a tie to work 4 of the 5 days. So, untucking my shirt is a huge no-no. But I can always put it in my jacket.

The vest for my casual days is something I hadn't thought about.

It's funny, my friends always know I'm carrying when I have my shirt untucked!