Taurus Gaucho


Hey guys, got a dum question:
I have a Taurus Gaucho in 357 that I just bought. Now, I had only shot about 25 shots of 38 special out of it till yesterday. I finally got time to get some 357s and try it out. I shot about 4 shots, and the thing acted like it locked up. Now I looked it over, and found that the pin in the cylender had worked its way out just enough to put it in a bind. Pushed the pin back and every thing worked fine. I was just wondering if there is an adjustment I need to make so that this doesn't happen again. I guess I knocked it's teeth loose with those 357s:eek:
Not a dumb question.

First, you make sure the base pin is pushed all the way back and the spring-loaded pin latch button has locked into place. You can do this by wiggling the base pin. You ought to be able to tell if it is latched properly or not.

You might also want to make sure that cross-latch is screwed together properly. On an American Western Arms I had, the latch (which is a cross-bolt, spring loaded, with a slotted head on both ends, so it looks like a screw) really WAS an assembly of small parts screwed together from both ends, and the screws tended to work loose after a while. So I would snug up the ends of the cross-bolt every so often.

However, base pins working loose seem to be an ongoing problem with S-A revolvers. For Ruger Vaqueros, at least, Belt Mountain makes replacement base pins. These are slightly oversized (compared to factory; you might say rather that they are "correctly fitted" if your factory pin jumps forward). Some of them have set screws you can use to lock them in place.

I don't know whether Belt Mountain makes pins for the Gaucho yet. You might ask them.

Other than that, I guess you contact Taurus. It would appear your base pin is loose, perhaps a bit undersized; they might have a fix for it. If nothing else you can take advantage of that lifetime warranty of theirs.

Hope you like your Gaucho. I've got the .45 version myself. And yes, the base pin did work loose after a few cylinders full. I just pushed it back into place without thinking about it too much. I've had that happen with Rugers too, and that AWA I had for a while was just AWFUL for that.
Thanks for the info, I'll check into that and see if I can do anything with it first. I hate to send it back to Taurus if I don't have to. Thanks again.
Timothy75- do you mean stretching the crosspin spring? Hadn't thought of that-- yeah, that might work. Or a stronger spring on that crosspin, if anybody makes one. I ought to check with Wolff and see whether they do.