Taurus Customer Service ???? (rant w/question)


New member
Heres the story. Less than two months ago my wife and I were at a gun show in North VA, where she bought a Taurus PT22. Yes I know there are better calibers for pocket guns, but she wanted this one. It was for carry when she does not want to carry her G30. Its the "tricked" out model, blued, with white pearl like grips and brass trigger, mag release etc. Its a double action only pistol in 22 cal. Now the tale really begins. First day at the range one of the grips crack. This after approx. 150 rounds fired through it. No fancy Hyper-Velocity ammo. Also the slide does not lock back after the last round is fired. So..., back to the the factory it goes with a letter detailing the problem and a phone call from me prior to sending it explaining the problem. A couple of weeks later the gun comes back with new grips. No name on the service order and no note stating what had been done. On to the range we go. Slide still does not lock back. Another call to Taurus complaining about pistol not being fixed and again explaining what the problem is and my concern that as this is a rim fire cartridge I'm afaid that the firing pin is going to get damaged while training with it due to dry firing because the slide does not lock back and the trigger is likely to be pulled on an empty chamber. I also sent another letter detailing this very concern. Customer service rep. apologizes, offers (appropriately so) to refund cost of this shipping and to be sure to include the original shipping receipt. I tell them both on the phone and in the letter that we want a new gun due to having lost confidence in this one. Rep tells me that my request has been noted and will be considered. Fine. Wellll, not so fine, gun comes back today. This time there is a note on the sevice order( no name)stating : "Slide will not lock back when last round is fired due to design, this firearm does not have a slide catch system to allow slide to lock back". No refund check or any mention of a refund on the way.

Now, I,ve never run across a modern semi-automatic pistol that does not lock back after last round is fired due to its design. (I did have this problem with a couple of Kimbers :0 but we all know that they are supposed lock back) Thats my question by the way for those of you who are still reading this. Anyone out there have this model? If so, does yours lock back or not. If not I would REALLY have preferred that the rep I had talked to the first time would have said something. I would have liked to at least seen that on the first service order, much less have been told this the second time I spoke to them. And whats up with not sending refund or not mentioning it on their service form. I never thought to ask when we bought this pistol because it never occurred to me that a semi-auto wouldn't function like every other one I've shot in this regard. If we had known this we would never have bought the damn thing. Oddly enough they may have sent us a new pistol as the one that came back smells clean and is dripping with oil. However I can't tell because we fired less that 200 round through it to begin with and I cleaned it before we sent it back. Now my wife would really prefer to have her money back and I don't blame her. What do you folks think ? How would you proceed from here? I'm going to call Taurus and voice my complaint and see if they will take the gun back and refund her money or take it on a trade(for full value including the shipping fees we're out of) for some thing else. Looking forward to hearing from you,pant, pant.
Daddycat, my pt22 does not lock back either. Thats just the way they are made. You are worried about the firing pin, mine broke and went sailing about two years ago. I sent it back and they replaced the whole slide and pin. The only thing now it shoots about 4 or 5 inches high now at 15 yards and it use to shoot pretty to point of aim. Also I don't dry fire it because it is a rimfire.
The customer service people have no real power, nor will they let you talk to anyone that does. I bought a model 85 that had a failure to fire (50% light strike) out of the box. I sent it in and it was returned a month later with a new main spring and hammer. The trigger pull was now horrible and the smith had left out the plunger that stopped the cylinder in the proper place. I called and they were very apologetic and sent me a new plunger, now while the light strike problem had been taken care of, I now had a greater than 50% failure rate due to timing problems. There was now telling where that damn firing pin would hit. I called them up and they were very apologetic and issued a call tag for the pistol, I recieved it back (dripping gun oil)a couple of weeks later with the obiligatory note saying that they had fixed it. Took it to the range and it still did the same thing. Called Taurus and had them fax me a copy of the Smith's repair notes and they said "no problem found". Called customer service were very apologetic (they must get plenty of practise). I asked for a new gun because this was horrible service, they said they would forward my gun to the review board and let me know. Had to wait a couple of weeks for the review board to meet and then a week or so for them to review my repair and they sent it back. Called and had them fax me the Smith notes and it looks like they finally found some one that knows how to work on their products. The gun now shoots like a dream, I have run 200 rounds through it and the trigger and action are perfect.

Now it took me 3 months and 3 trips to the factory to get my gun to work "new out of the box", several others have related similar experience with Taurus (several have also reported no problems). From what I understand Taurus has come a long way from the product they used to market a few years back, in my opinion they have a long way to go before they could be considered a quality gun manufacturer.

Hey, maybe Bill Ruger will give them some tips on designing a high quality, reliable handgun for a decent price.

I hear you about that dripping oil thing. When I got this back I almost thought they had sent me a new gun because of all the oil on it. I checked the serial number on the receipt, same gun. What I'm wondering about now is what did they do to it as according to them it wasn't broke to begin with?