Taurus 617/ Looking for feedback


New member
Hi Everyone,
I've put a Taurus 617 (357) on layaway. Its got a two inch barrel, ported with a concealed hammer. I'm looking for feedback from those of you who have owned one of these. How did you like them and why or why not. As usual, any feedback is appreciated. BTW, HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL OF YOU!
Daddycat; I had one and liked it ALOT. It had very nice bluing and an absolutely smoooooth trigger pull. Impressive for a relatively inexpensive gun. I go fishing in some fairly remote areas so I used to pack it in my fanny pack. Mine wasn't ported and after shooting 158gr magnum loads you're hand kinda' hurts so the porting should help in that respect. I like the ideal of the concealed hammer also. I sold mine because I wanted something a little lighter in weight (alloy/Titanium). I think you'll like it. Good Luck, J. Parker
It's a damned fine gun

I have two of this species, one with a bobbed hammer and 2-inch tube, and the other with a six-inch tube. Both blue and both very much liked. The Model 587 speedloaders from HKS make for fast reloads. The recoil with 125 and 158-grain magnum loads hurts my hand on the two-incher after about 50 or so rounds. Triggers like glass on both of them. Taurus has come a hell of a long way in quality.
Decent trigger, tolerable recoil.

Accuracy was mechanically decent but the sheet of flame from the porting made me flinch every time I fired it.
I have the Taurus 617SS2C. I love mine, fire everything from .38's to .357's (Federal 125 grain magnum Hydra-Shok being my choice, but I have some 158 grain magnum loads).
For what it's worth the purpose of a "snubbie" IMHO is concealment and reliability.
A small frame .357 revolver with a seven round cylinder is an excellent choice.
When I go to range I usually shoot 50 rounds of .38 158 grain FMJ's, 50 rounds of .38 129 grain +P, 20 rounds of .357 125 grain and 20 rounds of .357 158 grain ammo.
I find 140 rounds of ammunition to be perfectly acceptable training regime each training session. I get a "feel" for my favorite loads, and than surpass those.
I nail a 3" plate at 15 yards. Good enough for me, and as far as I'm concerned excellent for a great little pistol that cost ~$319.00.
Add a good holster and an extra HKS 587A speedloader and you can't go wrong for personal defense.
The porting does take some getting use to, but in the "heat of the moment" I doubt you'll mind.
It has allowed for faster "follow-up's" at least for me.
