Taurus 17CB4 17 HMR Revolver. Should I??


New member
I am interested in this new caliber and I have a gun I would like to trade off anyways. I would like info on this gun. Accurate? Durable? The price I have found from a local dealer, is 235. Plus I will be trading a Bersa 380. So I will probably have to put about 120 with it, for difference, tax and BC. Any info is greatly appreciated. Does it come with a scopemount? A case or box? Are speedloaders available?
So this is just my 0.02... I think of handguns as portable guns for closein work, and longguns as less portable guns for accurate, longer range, and more power work.

While the 17HMR isn't that powerful a cartridge, it is designed for precision long distance work. If that's really what you want to do, why not get a rifle? If nothing else, it can be held a lot steadier.
CarbineCaleb's made a good point: for close-in "plinking" fun out of a revolver, the 22 LR is probably a cheaper option to shoot. Longer-range precision shooting would be better from a rifle. I guess a case could be made for "revolver" hunting of small game using the 17 HMR caliber, if that's what you want to do.