Tasers? Legal or not?


New member
I will be starting a new job soon (30 days) that will keep me on the road driving from place to place. I would love to carry one of my guns with me but living here in Kali its not an option. I have already spoken with the sheriffs office and filled out the paperwork but did not get the OK. I was thinking about a Taser in gun form like this: Taser . A nice leather binder with a holster for guns should work for this right? I want to protect myself the best I can. I know the best tool is between my ears but as you all know sometimes you can't help what happens. I do carry a large folding knife but would like something else. Something with a little more range then a knife. I know you only get one shot with it but even one shot is better then nothing.

So, Is it legal to carry a taser in Kali? What would you carry if guns were not an option.

what other companies sell tasers in the shape of a gun? Links would be great. Thanks

Edit: oops, fixed spelling error.
I may be mistaken about this, but I believe the Taser M-series is limited to LE Department only sales.

I do know that it's a very effective tool for law enforcement, but not a particularly good choice for personal defense.

The problem with the weapon is that assuming both probes make contact with the subject (One probe will have no effect whatsoever), it WILL subdue the subject...but only for a period of a few seconds. Long enough to get hands on and cuffs on. There are no lasting effects. So basically you'd shoot the guy and a few seconds later he'd be back in business..and not just a little PO'd.

Afraid I dont know PRK laws at all...but I will say that OC spray is a truly evil substance invented by Satan himself. Which is to say that most of the time (if used properly) it's darned effective..and has a satisfyingly long-lasting effect.

edit: Just watched the video on TASER International's website...gives you a pretty good idea how effective the weapon is. But you'll note that as soon as the weapon stops firing the test subjects all get up immediately and are in full control and none the worse off for the experience.
hmmm what is this OC spray you speak of? Is it just another name for pepper spray? I have been thinking about just getting the hand held type stungun and pepper spray. Dogs might be a big problem come to think of it so a spray would be nice.
OC=Oleoresin Capsicum

Pepper spray

If you've ever considered bobbing for french fries this stuff will give you a good idea what it might feel like. :D
The M18 Advanced Taser is available to the public. Its the 18 watts where the one that departments use is 26 watts. 18 watts is the bottom of the range that Taser International claims produce actual muscle contraction, whereas 26 is at the top. I won't belabor the point that the Taser is not a substitute for lethal force, since you mention that you already have another force option (a knife). I would point out a couple of specifics for having a Taser to keep in the car.
  • Batteries - The Advanced Taser is designed to operate with batteries between 70 and 100 percent of their capacity. Alkaline batteries left out in the cold can lose enough to compromise the Taser's effectiveness. So if you use Alkaline, you have to take it in the house at night. With the NIMH rechargables that Taser recommends, the unit has to be recharged evey two weeks, use it or not. If you don't pay religious attention to the batteries it's a just a club, and its a very bad one at that, because its small and made of plastic.
  • Probe Spread - the Taser is less forgiving than a handgun when shooting in and around obstacles, because you need to hit with both probes. So if your going to put it in your car, you might want to invest in several spare cartidges, then take it out and get real familiar with where that bottom probe is gonna go at various ranges. Also if you tilt the Taser, the probes spread sideways, so in most cases firing it in anything but the vertical position dramatically decreases the likelyhood of sucess.
The Taser has some big limitations, and knowing them well will make the differance between consulting a lawyer after a successful use, or a electrician and a proctologist.
so would a 500,000 watt stungun or OC spray in one hand and a knife in the other be a better option?
  1. If the choice is just the Taser, without any other options, then skip it. The Taser is not a substitute for lethal force. If on the other hand, you want one more option to have on hand along with your knife and OC, the Taser is a good tool. Just remember its not magic.
  2. The 500,000 in some of the stungun ads refers to volts, not watts. Most of the handheld stunguns that advertise extremely high voltages are actually only between 1-7 watts. The M26, and the devices that other companies are racing to put out to compete with it are the most powerful devices available right now. Also, a Taser, whether manufactured by Taser International or Tasertron, is far superior to a stun gun because there is the potential for the fired probes to strike the subject much further apart. With the probes further apart, you get much better effects.
  3. Finally, if you are going to use OC as well, be aware that some companies are still producing OC using a flamable formula. If you have a Taser, you have to get a nonflamable OC. Well, I suppose you don't HAVE to, if you don't mind getting sued for setting someone on fire...
    [/list=1]To try and answer the question a little more directly, If I had a Taser, and couldn't have a handgun, I would want a knife clipped in my front pocket and the OC tucked in my back pocket. You can never have too many options, if you did have, you wouldn't have been able to get out of the front door.
Thanks rdavis.

Yeah Volts not watts, my bad:o

now let me get this right the higher output stunguns are not always the best? Is that what you are trying to say? If so what voltage would be best? Setting a BG on fire would bet a funny site but I think I will hold off on that.

I bought my wife the MK-6C . This is the only stuff they carry at my local Gun shop. Is this stuff ok or is there better?
The M18 and M26 Tasers, the best thing on the market right now, both use 50,000 volts. The folks that advertise higher voltages are basically playing games.

Taser International on voltage

First Defense OC is ok, I carry it. Its the issue product for my agency, so I don't have a great deal of experiance with other brands. I have seen it suceed and fail. The best thing to do for results with any of the OC is make sure that it gets into the eyes, nose, and mouth. You can get an inert training can (First Defense puts green on their inert) and a pair of goggles and practice with someone. Have them put on the goggles (there's a little alcohol in the carrier, so although you can get the inert spray in your eyes without damage, you don't want to do it repeatedly because it will dry you out) and practice wetting down the eyes, nose and mouth as they charge at you. Practice keeping your distance and spraying while both of you are moving, and try it outside to get a feel for conditions that would blow it back on you, because most officers who use the stuff regularly have caught some that way.

It's just as important to practice with all your other tools as it is to practice with a handgun. You'll see people that would never carry a gun that they haven't practiced with carrying OC or a Taser that they have never fired.