Tasers Effects On People On Drugs


New member
I heard a story from an EMT who claimed that he saw a guy on PCP take six shots from a taser and then grab the taser out of the cop's hand and tase him with it. Is that possible for someone on PCP or any other drug to do?
I remember seeing a video of a guy who had both prongs in him and the cop was tazing him. However, he charged the officer and began to attack, I wish I could remember the name of the video. I don't think both prongs were secure though.
I am not sure about on drugs, but wet can play a factor. I learned this years ago when I was working in a cattle yard. If it was rainy, and the cows were wet the electric cattle prods were almost useless. I rember the celabrity cops show where one of the celeb officers tazed a guy that was soaking wet, and it did jack diddley squat to him. I do not know exactly how that works or happens just that it does.
Probably just grounds out the electricity passing on the outside of the body. Instead of the desired effect of it passing through the body. From what I know about electricity thats my best guess.
It's a tool and sometimes to tool you have doesn't fit the nut you need to turn. Gotta have a Plan B. LVNR deprives the brain of oxygen and the dopehead has never been built who can shake it off, when properly applied.
The only instances I have heard of involving drugs and tasers are people that have been using meth or other drugs that speed your heart up dieing from getting tasered.
"...taser out of the cop's hand and tase him with it..." Nonsense. Even a taser has to be reloaded.
"...a guy on PCP..." A violent suspect with his pants around his ankles? How violent could he get? No violence there. Nine plus cops who didn't want to to touch a naked guy. Second tazer shot with the silly putz on the ground wasn't neccesary either.
"...Guy on crack being tazered..." Media voice over hack was looking for some kind of award. Nicely handled by the cops though.
The guy in SUV was obviously a messed up dude. Im glad the cops were able to talk him down and that they showed him compassion (probably more for the camera ;)). The police did handle it very well though. LVNR---- I think he is refereing to Lateral Vascual Neck Restraint. Basically a nice blood choke applied to cut you off in 4-8 seconds. I think thats a no no now though, because if you force their head down you can cut of fluid to the brain. Doing permanent damadge after 20-30 seconds.
Nonsense. Even a taser has to be reloaded.
No it does not. Minus the cartridge the Taser becomes a contact stun-gun.

One of the jails I do service calls in has gotten quite good at ejecting the spent Taser cartridges quickly because the inmate affectionately named "Taser boy" is so effective at either preventing the barbs from hitting properly or getting the barbs to short or pull out. It gets interesting watching the DVR video. He may be able to beat the taser, but he can't beat the fat guard sitting on him.

There are several tactics to reduce the tasers effectiveness. Heavy sweat in clothing does seem to be rather effective depending on the circumstances.
The only instance I've ever heard of a taser not working properly actually happened at a local hospital. While the man who was tasered was on drugs, the taser didn't work because only one of the leads hit him thusly failing to complete the circuit.
I have seen an inmate take 4 Taser shots, two prongs and two contact, and all he did was yell and swear while he pulled the barbs out. Yes, there IS a very small subset of people who can take the taser. Be mindful, this guy was NOT on drugs, alcohol, or any other medication, IIRC.
We wont' talk about the guy who got hit with one barb in the nipple, and one in the boys....
I'm wondering how bear spray would work on a person
Very badly.

When you spray a bear, you don't have to put the bear in cuffs. Against a person, as soon as you try to get that person under control you're going to get the bear spray on yourself and end up just as bad as the person sprayed.
Yes, if you HOSE a guy, you will get gas on you when you put him in restraints. Done right, not that hard, been there done that, puked on the t-shirt from the OC. HATE that stuff.:barf: No question that it works, most of the time, but my body hates it.
Besides, no person as a civilian should EVER try to cuff a suspect, no matter if the suspect is gassed, tazed, or just had a truck dropped on him. BAD juju, don't do it.
Drugs won't affect someones ability to resist a taser at all. There are certain people who are not as affected by a taser. These are people with extremely high amounts of body fat, people with thick clothing, and people who happen to be practiced at deflecting the barbs.

Tasers work by locking up your muscles. Drugs generally don't affect your muscles. And even the ones that do don't make your muscles electricity-resistant. Tasers are actually most effective on stronger, or more muscular subjects. Very small amounts of electricity can easily control very large amounts of a muscle. A normal M-26 Taser (or the newer X-26) has more than enough amperage to drop a fully grown bull.

Like I said before, there are people who are resistant. Those people generally have very loose/thick clothing, or large amounts of body fat keeping the barbs from making good contact.

Anyone who has actually been on the receiving end of a taser knows that saying you can fight through a taser is like saying you can slap a bullet out of the air. However, they did show us footage of a gentleman who was tasered, waited the 5 seconds of the charge to stop, and then as the cop walked toward him, he snapped the lines in a split second and was able to get back up and run.
I agree with that post. Your only fighting the tazer if its not properly distributing the electricity through the BG's body. If both barbs hook in nice into the skin the person is going down.

It greatly depends on whether a persons body withstands the shock. I work in a prison, and have witnessed people who literally felt "Nothing". Mental Health also appears to have an impact on whether or not it is effective.