Target load


New member
Hi chaps,

Looking for some advice for a .44 handload. Any suggestions as to best powder?
I want to get 900 feet per second using a .44 magnum case from a Chiappa '92 lever action with a 20 inch barrel. Bullet will be either a 200 grain round nosed flat point or a 240 grain SWC.
Any advice gratefully received.
If you're going to load to .44 mag pressures W 236, if you're going to load to .44 special pressures W 231.
You will have to experiment some and use a chronograph to be sure, especially for a rifle.
But .44s and Unique powder have been a good match for a long time.
I won't use Unique. I don't mind cleaning up after black but Unique is almost as dirty and is harder to clean.
I really like Unique as well...not sure where it got the reputation for being so dirty as I don't find it to be unusually so, but I never used it before they reformulated it and I also don't use it for really light loads. For mid-power .44 mag and for .45 Colt it's easily my favorite.
I used 11 grains of Unique with a 255 grain SWC back in the early 80's. They shot good but I only loaded 50 rounds out of the pound and trashed the rest of it because it turned my SS SBH into a greasy black mess. I switched to W 236 and never looked at another can of Unique and won't.
If your Unique loads are dirty, use a heavier crimp. I allows the powder to burn more efficiently.

I'm a huge fan of Unique.

I use 2400 in 357 & 44 Mag. but Unique in 38 & 44 Specials.
The formulation for Unique apparently changed at some point in the late 80's to mid 90's, not sure exactly when but it must have been some nasty stuff from what I've heard and read. The term "flaming dirt" has been used.... I've only used it since about 2002, and honestly I don't find it any dirtier than others I've used and cleaner than some.
It was nasty. Nasty enough for me to throw almost a full pound of it in the trash and I've always been an avid black powder shooter. Flaming dirt is an apt description with a little grease thrown in for good measure.