Target Knobs on Simmons

Point Blank

New member
Got my Simmons .44 Mag 6.5x20x44 today in mail.There was no instructions on how to fiddle with the target knobs.The only other scope i ever had was the 3x9x32 that came on my Savage "Package Deal" 30-06.Is there any links out there that explains on how to use them??? Thanks so much!!! BTW...I know its no Lu or Nighty,but its a heckava lot better than what i had,except i dont know how to use her...yet!!!:p
Your target knobs work just the same as any other knobs, with the exception that they might move p.o.a. 1/8" at 100 yds, as opposed to 1/4" at 100 yds. If it's 1/8, then you move the knob eight clicks to get one inch movement at 100 yds; four clicks for 1/4 " @ 100 yds. It's just that simple. Nothing complicated at all.
Thanks!!! I cannot wait to go to the range and try it out,looks like maybe Sat. morning.Just got a 8 week old German Shepard that is going thru boot camp,(housebreaking,sit,shake,etc.)and he is taking all my spare time...and then some!!! Thanks again!!!