Target Height


New member
What is the correct height (elevation) from the floor to the center of the x-ring for a Bullseye target to be properly placed.

thanks D.
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Not speaking from any regulation but from a pratical shooting the natural aim of your arm should dictate the height of your target on the "X" ring.

Especially for bullseye shooting you need the target level to you. As everyone is different in height that will vary with each shooter. So, as you position yourself your "natural" aim should tell you where you need to place your target.

Get in your stance and aim your hand out over and over until you find your natural aim. Once you find it - now close your eyes and repeat. When you open them it should be on target.

I see too many people targets way too high. This will throw your natural aim off and stress more muscles in your upper body and over a long shooting period put you into muscle fatique.

This happens with shorter gals with taller guy friends. The guys put the targets out for them but when the gals shoot its way too high.
Interestingly, there doesn't appear to be any specified height for target placement in the NRA Conventional Pistol regulations. International Pistol specifies 55 inches, plus or minus 8 inches (which seems like a pretty large tolerance, but that's what it is).

In my experience shooting at perhaps a dozen or so different ranges in two different leagues, most of the target centers seem to be about shoulder height for an average (say 5' 10" or so) person, which I guess makes some sense in that when you're on target your arm will be more or less level.
Casimer, is that from the rule book? Where are rule books available, how much?

OOPS! I see that FlyFish answered part of my question. I"ll goto NRA.
Casimer, is that from the rule book?

No. I don't think that the BE target height is defined in the Conventional Pistol rules. That height is apparently referenced from other NRA materials that describe the design requirements of BE ranges. The only reason that I know is that this same question came-up on Bullseye-L a while ago.

But I think that in practice, ranges take a lot of liberties w/ the target height. They don't tend to be too high, but are often too low. For instance there's an indoor 25yd near me that runs sanction NRA matches, but the targets are only about waist high.