Target from the Range Saturday


New member
I don't yet consider this "good" shooting, just adequate.

Going to take a lot more practice grouping double action, semi-rapid fire.

Target's about 5", 12 shots (and, yes, the wadcutters sometimes keyhole)


The Agent
good shooting. and a very nice looking agent.

motivate yourself with a timer. using the delay feature see how fast you can put on paper an accurate shot--buzzer/draw/shoot in under 2 seconds?
perhaps than try double taps. set a goal of 1.5 seconds.
consider joining a IDPA group in your area. it is much fun and gets you as close to real as you can get unless you have access to a shoot house.

good luck
I agree with Claude Clay that the use of a shot timer with a random start can be effective in getting shooters to speed up their shots without loss of accuracy. Depending upon the shooter it take varying amounts of practice.
thanks, I'll consider doing that.

Right now I'm just getting used to the TylerT/factory grip setup.

This group was shot from a lowered, two-hand position and in about 6-8 seconds. Nothing competitive, just basic practice.

Might go back to custom Badger's since they fit my hands and shoot well.
