target but no sight acquisition?


New member
Ok, Jesse/Painkiller and I were discussing the last shoot we attended and i brought up the fact that during a shooting I never see my sights, but instead focus on that target and where I want the bullets to impact.

In the past, this worked for me 100% (of course i did shoot a lot more). Now that I am rusty and out of practice (lucky to shoot every 2 months) I still shoot this way, but my impact is a bit off sometimes, which requires a quick adjust ment and then second shot. (shots are close, but not exactly where I want them).

Many people speak about front sight acquisition and then target, and this has proven very successful for much of the shooters out there. For me, I was taught to look at where you want to hit the target and your hands/gun will instinctively point at that spot. for me, it works well, but does get a bit rusty without practice.

does anyone else shoot like this? basically a modified version of Jim Cirillo's "Gun Silhouette" technique
Yes, But it is good as long as you can see the impact or bullet hole. On a plain cardboard silouete target the distance of about 15 to 20 ' is about where my focus of the bullet holes fade. At that point I have to revert to a slower but more preceise sight alightment shot.
Something I have noticed is that when using a laser trainer for indoor practice it is amazing on how fast your mind will subconsiously correct the second shot. I shoot 2 center mass shots in approximatly 2-3 tenths of a second spread and without consiously making a correction on the second shot. If the first shot is off the mark the second will be right on. Then a third shot at the ocular/cranial cavity. This is usualy right on. Once your initial grip, eye/sight alinement has been established moving on to other targets your POA & POI are right on the mark.

we were shooting a speed/reactive course that mixes IDPA and IPSC scenarios. was a very fun shoot and is for training/fun. I was the only one in attendance that isn't an RO at the range (but I do have my CRO card for on post still).

This is a chance to get practice in and not worry about scoring, standings, etc...

here are some pics of examples of a part of the stages

this is a portion of the setup. notice the target with a shirt. you have to hit it center chest or head (metal plates behind those areas) then it falls backward and activates the target behind the wall that swings out then back in. you have to shoot from behind cover (the barrels) and notice the guys resetting the target that pops up from behind a barrel then goes back down. that one you have to do a double tap and then a head shot.


this one you walk along the walls then have to turn and shoot while back pedalling as the targets come towards you and you do a single in the left target then double tap the right and then come back and do another single in the left.
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I know the cure!

I used to have the same problem shooting musket in NSSA competition and I found out what the problem was,I needed GLASSES!!! Problem solved!!:eek:
You know for me sight acquisition is always a 'do what's confortable' idea. For me I depend on feeling how my shots are going rather than sight picture or seeing holes. I tried for almost a year to focus on the dang front sight and my scores suffered hard because of it...

My last few shoots I've dropped back into my old style where I sort of let the inner voice in my head calculate how my shots were landing without checking or actively looking for front sights on anything closer than 20 yards, and both my scores and my accuracy went up.

Could be I'm a freak, because I've never heard anyone else with the issue, but my advice would be to try to shoot comfortably, and not how someone says you should.

Thanks zac.
You see what you need to see. At ten feet, even a modestly good shooter should be able to hit where they point, looking hard at the target. At ten yards, you'd have have a much higher skill level to be able to do it. Experienced shooters tend to develop the ability to adjust to the distance and/or difficulty of the shot. Hard focus on the target at ten feet, looking for the outline of the gun on the target at twenty, looking through the sights at 30, and hard on the front sight at 40, for instance. If you can hit by looking at the target only when you have an opportunity to adjust your fire - hits are easily seen, such as a black hole on a lighter-colored background - how are you going to do it when you can't see your hits? The sights are always there, while feedback from the target is going to be variable, or even contrary to what's actually happening, and that's why looking at the sights is usually strongly advocated.
Yes, sights over target

I know this sounds counter intuitive....

Your front sight is the most important thing you need to focus on. If you look to see where you hit not only do you cheat yourself but for action shooting you slow yourself down.

Remember the basics - your eye can only focus on one point of space at a time. You are looking at 3 points of space (your rear sight, front sight and target). If you focus on the target you may lose your sight alignment and therefore your POA (point of aim) has changed (meaning you just missed).

This does not mean don't look at the target just the "focusing" part.

Jerry Miculek is on the Sharpshooters on the History Channel and he was asked what he focuses on.... he focuses on the front sight.

It's counter intuitive....... until you are confident and understand and trust that focusing on the front sights will land you hits.

The technique you are talking about is good for close rapid shooting - "Point Shooting" Not good for longer distances or when you want to place that round dead center.

Disclaimer: Please for those that have mastered point shooting that's a different ball game. But I have yet to hear about a Grand Master IDPA or USPSA using point shooting.