Tapered scope mount?


New member
Have seen several instances referring to "one piece tapered scope mounts" that have extra x-degrees (have seen from 15-25 degrees from various makers) for making long distance shoots. What exactly does this do and can it hurt to have on a rifle that you plan to use from 50yards out to 400yards?
Hey Mike,
Remember that there are only so many elevation "clicks" that can be had inside your scope. The actual end - end limit varies between manufacturers, but Target scopes typically have a bigger range. Remember also that bullets in flight trace a parabolic curved flight path, with the lower powered bullets tending to arc more the farther out they go. Most scopes cannot be adjusted then for a point of aim impact at 800-1000 yards, and even if they can, they are at the far end of their adjustment, in other words, they are near to the stops.

This is where the tapered base comes in to play. They are thicker on the side nearest your eyeball, therefore pointing the scope a bit further down with relation to the bore sight then a normal scope base. This allows you, the long distance shooter, to get a zero on your weapon at 800 - 1000 yards without having the reticle crammed way down at the bottom of your view.

Keep in mind that this is a long range target shooters gizzie, and that it really doesn't have a use on a rifle that will be used at ranges under 500 yards.

Good Luck, Unkel Gilbey

[This message has been edited by Unkel Gilbey (edited January 23, 2000).]
The response from Unkel Gilbey is spot on. In a way, yes the installation could "hurt" in respect that some scopes once installed on a long range base, will not be able to be zeroed at a distance of perhaps less than 200yds. The elevation advantage you mention is usually referred to as MOA(minute of angle.) If you plan on shooting at 1000yds and for example's sake, you are using a 308 and you have a well established 100 yd zero,
in order for you to place your shot on target at 1000 yds, you will need to be approximately 40-42 inches higher than your 100 yd zero at 100yds. If you rear sight adjusts in .25 moa adjustments, you can see that the amount of adjustment would be 4x40 or 160clicks, and as mentioned, most sporting type scopes will not reach that level or just barely. The long range base adds approx. 20 more minutes of elevation to your set up in order to reach the target.
Clear as mud, isn't it.