Tanner Gun Show in Denver


New member
I was contimplating going to the Tanner Gun Show in Denver to see the sites as it were... I've heard mixed reviews on it, from being over priced (merchandise wise) to be the best thing since sliced bread.

Has anyone been? Thoughts?

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Some stuff is overpriced...some ain't. You can work with the seller on price, and see what happens. Is also a chance to meet other forum members/web forum sponsors who might give ya discounts too.

I go to see the vast variety of stuff, and a chance to get hands on with tools and holsters. As far as shopping for guns/rifles...research what you want to see...a few shows there have been a few vendors who sold some sketchy equipment in the black rifle varieties.
When and where as I am in Cheyenne? worth me coming down? or is it like all the other gun shows......boring.
It was Nov. 5-6, it wasn't worth going. Same as always, overpriced and crowded. And parking was a nightmare do the the Christmas merchandise show in the adjacent building but It was entertaining watching the reaction of the sheeple doing to the Xmas show when someone carrying firearms into the gun show walked past them. :eek: