Tangent posting?


New member
Guys, I've been casting Saeco 200 grain "Pope Style" tapered bullets for my 32-40. The base band is .324". Breach seated, these things are just unbelievably accurate. I have many impressions of my rifle setup, all good ones.

It is humorous to shoot this rifle. I haven't chronographed it yet, this is something I keep setting out to do, and I will do it soon enough. I *estimate* below 1400 fps for the load I have tentatively settled on.

Since nobody shoots schuetzen matches hereabouts, I have resorted to "cowboy" silhouette matches to 200 yards, and fixed ammo. There are challenges to loading fixed ammunition in a tapered throat with a tapered bullet which I have been addressing, and have arrived at a workable solution where I seat the bullets in the cases so that the last 2/10ths of an inch or so on chambering, the round must be inserted with thumb pressure, my theory being that the bullet will engage the tapered leade and self center in the throat. The BACO expander plug allows a .002" neck tension on the as cast bullets, for a "soft seating" approach. At 100 yards, I get all holes touching type groups from benchresting. Just amazing accuracy for a cast bullet. I haven't shot groups at 200 yet, nor have I used my NOS Fecker scope to really dial in the loads. -Again, something I shall do at some point.

I guess the point of my posting here is the tremendous elevation adjustments one must make between 50, 100, 150 (175?), and 200 yards. I am not exactly certain of the turkey bank distance, but I shot at the club yesterday to arrive at really solid elevation adjustments at each distance. The marks on my sight staff and slider are effaced due to an aggressive polishing job someone down the chain of ownership performed, so I am using the tail of a dial caliper to set the height of the slider at each distance.

As measured from the top of the sight staff to the top of the slider, using the tail of a dial caliper, these are the come-ups:

50: 0.728"
100: 0.686" for .042" come up from 50
150 (175?): 0.610" for 0.076" come up from 100
200: 0.520" for .090" come up from 150 (or 175, which)

I do not know how to plot this out to arrive at trajectories, but the last 50 yards or so requires significant elevation adjustment to arrive at a 200 meter zero. Just amazing. That bullet must be seriously running out of steam by the time it makes 200 meters. More than twice the sight correction from 150 (175?) to 200 as it is from 50 to 100 meters. Gee willikers!

Last time I shot the match, I didn't have any good zeros, and would fiddle with adjustments in much smaller increments, not realizing the magnitude of the rainbow trajectory of this projectile. Perhaps this Sunday I may actually come closer to hitting a ram at 200.

I suppose it would be prudent to buy a new rear sight, perhaps with windage adjustment built in, but before I do, I want to try this arrangement out a little while.

Another interesting phenomenon is wind drift. While I was able to get really consistent vertical shot placement, even small changes in the wind (from 3 mph to 10 mph) blew the bullets an estimated 8" or so at 200 meters!

I'm beginning to consider a 180 to 190 grain 8mm spitzer type bullet mould. I have my doubts whether it will shoot well in that tapered throat, but perhaps something like this would reduce the drift I am experiencing. As far as the "Pope style" bullet goes, it carries adequate lube to leave a nice little star on the muzzle, and I have experienced no leading so far at these modest velocities. Another factor to consider might be going to a slower powder, in larger charges, to get a little better velocity, which in combination with the more aerodynamic profile, might reduce wind drift a skosh.

Isn't it fun to mess about with firearms designed to shoot cast bullets?
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Follow up.

Shot the old girl yesterday in a match. My goal for the day was to hit at least 1 turkey and 1 ram. Hit a few of each!

It's amazing what proper sight settings can do for you. :)