Talk me into, or out of getting a new Leupold VX1


New member
So, I am in need of a new scope for my Win m70 SG in 338WM.

I had my heart set on a Leupold VX2 untill I started looking closer at the new VX1. It seems to me that mechanically speaking there is no difference between the two. As far as I can tell, the difference is the type of gas they use inside the two scopes. The VX1 gets nitrogen whilst the VX2 gets argon. I seldom take this rifle out in bad weather, it's my baby. So will I see any real world benefit going with the VX2 over the VX1?? So far I am leaning toward no.

I have been told that the current VX1 is now the same as a VX2 made a couple of years ago mechanically speaking.

Sorry if I am not the person who can afford to spend a G-note on a scope for my rifle. Sure, I would like to but it's just not my situation at this time. I have had "cheap scopes" serve me very well, in fact I still have one that has given almost 15 years of trouble free service atop my Rem 700 ADL synthetic in 270 Win. Just a Bass Pro Redhead that was part of the rifle/scope combo when purchased new back in the early 2000's. That thing never needs more than 1/2 MOA adjustment from year to year. So please don't tell me I need to go buy a $1500 Swarovski. I would like advice between the VX1 and VX2 here.

I did do a side-x-side comparison between the VX1 and the similarly priced Nikon Pro-staff with mil-dot elevation type reticle. (I'm not sure if mil-dot is the correct nomenclature here as the spacing between the elevation dots was not uniform) And while I found there to be little if any noticeable difference in picture clarity and brightness between the 2, it just came down to the smooth looks of the Leupold that makes me favor the VX1 over the Nikon. Shallow as it may be, I found the looks of the Nikon to be more "tactical-ish" which I don't think would suit my taste on my Winchester. I did like the reticle of the Nikon though.. But I really don't need a long range reticle for what I do.

Anyway, I don't need high magnification so your standard 3x9x40 fits my needs fine. That's what I have been using for years and I would like to stick to what works. Leupold's warrantee puts my mind at ease about buying a "cheap" scope as well.
I sure hope your rifle is shooting better than mine. As far as differences in the scopes, it's which one you like best. As you go up the line you get a Lil better quality each step. Better coatings on the glass, different reticles, focal planes, and much more but they have the same warranty. My SG ruined a old vari x 2 I had and the nikon monarch 7 wouldn't keep zero. I put it on a old remington 700 30-06 and no problems since. If you hunt in the hills pick which one gives the best eye relief. I ended up with a vx3 on my rifle but I like to shoot a Lil further than alot of people.
To the reason to buy a VX3 instead of a 1 or 2 is the lenses/coatings. The high end scopes allow better light transmission than the lower end ones. The mil dots, BDC etc are mostly fluff unless you are a long range shooter and actually good at it. Brightness tho is useful to the hunter who may need to shoot in low light conditions. I did a comparison of a 3-9 -x 32 compact Burris, a 3-9x40 Varix 2 and a 2-1/2-8x36 Varix 3. In the afternoon, I couldn't tell the different at 6X. In the evening as it started getting dark, the Varix 3 was much better than the other 2 scopes. I will note that the compact Burris was as bright as the Varix 2, this was a surprise. I thought the larger scope would be brighter. Some scopes are easier to see trhu than others, I guess because of eye relief.
That being said I recently bought a VX1 Rimfire scope. Very bright, now has finger knobs with clicks, I really like it. I wouldn't hesitate to put one on a high powered rifle.
The VX2 will be slightly better for use at sunrise and sunset, or in high contrast. 'Slightly' being the operative word.

It's like photography. There really is a difference between the $1,750 Nikon zoom lens and the $300 Sigma zoom lens. For the ordinary photographer, that difference doesn't matter. The important thing is to set up your photograph and be there when the light is best, choose your filtration, ISO level, compose and crop, etc., then take your shot. Or, you can snap shoot and rely on your expensive lens to make up for the things you didn't do before pressing the shutter release.
Thanks for the input gentlemen. I have been thinking about this a few days now, and the more I consider it, the more I feel the new VX1 will suit my needs just fine.

I'm your run-o-the-mill hunter. In the areas I hunt, the farthest possible shot would be about 250yds in one specific spot I occasionally hunt. The vast majority of shots are <100yds with many of those <60yds. Most times my scope is set on 3x.

And I agree with you Pete, the mil-dots and all that really won't be of any real benefit to me for what I use my rifles for. I don't even have access to a rifle range that allows for shooting farther than 200yds... So those mil-dot reticles would be pretty much useless for me...

Boogershooter: Yes, my SG is shooting well..with a good scope on it!!! My brother bought a new VX2 for his m70 Sporter in 300WSM. When he mounted the new VX2, we mounted his old basic Bushnell that is known to hold groups well on my SG and I had 3 holes touching at 50yds...laying prone in the woods with a very basic rest. At 100yds it opened up to about 2.5" but I didn't have the steadiest of shooting positions that day. Once I get my new scope I plan to get to an actual range again and do some work from the bench to dial in the rifle. Then it will be practice from field shooting positions to work on my form and technique and make any final adjustments due to the difference between shooting from a bench and shooting from field positions.

I'll be picking up my new VX1 thursday this week. :)
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The VX-1 is a very good scope, especially since the upgrades. But if you can afford a little more the 3-9X40 scope listed below for $279 is a much, much better scope. That is a crazy low price. This is the exact same scope that sold under the Zeiss Conquest name and at one time was priced at $550. I have VX-1's, VX-2's and VX-3's as well as the original Conquest and one of the Cabelas branded scopes. This is only slightly more than a VX-1, cheaper than the VX-2 and better than the VX-3.
Well, I ended up buying the VX1. Not because I didn't like the Cabelas scope, but for handful of reasons.

1) A local general hardware store in my area had the VX1 in stock. This store is fairly new to the area, it's a Mom and Pops type store with only 2 locations. They stock alot of things along with general hardware including reloading supplies and tooling. This is pretty uncommon here in my area. So I chose to patronize this store with my dollars as I try to do with alot of things. Add to that their price on the VX1 was $189.99, 10 bucks cheaper than 90% of online sources. That only made it easier to support my local store. :)

2) Shallow as it may seem, I just liked the looks of the VX1 better than most any other scope I have taken a look at in this price range. Most times I'm a function over form kind of guy, but this scope is going on my m70 Super Grade and I wanted the scope to compliment the rifle. Again, very shallow reason and by no means was it the only reason.

3) My brother has a pair of VX2's now. One is older and the other is brand new. I have fired his rifles with the VX2's and REALLY liked them. So basically knew what I would be getting with the new VX1.

Anyway, I mounted the scope last night. I have already noticed how generous the eye relief is. Much more so than the Pentax that this VX1 replaces. This is a good thing too, as I seem to be a bit prone to getting thwacked in the forehead by my scope now and then when I'm sighting in/practicing at the range. I sometimes just get a little too into the zone and get nestled a little too close on the scope and relaxing apparently a little too much in pursuit of the perfectly executed shot. I have done it once the last 2 years running! LOL! It's proven quite the source of laughter among my friends and family! :D

JMR40: The scope you recommended is still not out of contention for the next purchase though. It sounds like a winner.
quit it

jmr40, quit pushing that Cabela's scope!!!! If your persist, I will likely end up buying one. Then I'll have to buy a rifle to put under it.
Thanks for the feedback gents.

I too think I made the right choice in this particular case.

I can't wait to get some shooting time with it.