Taking the lil guys hunting... ( practice )

& going on that African safari I thought I could never afford...

yep... grand kids need practice, looking for interesting things for them & my buddies kids & grandkids to shoot... eggs, pop cans full of water, bottles of water, & those rim fire binary targets all "explode" when hit with 22's... heard a recommendation of shooting lil plastic army men for adult practice once... & while scanning for army men on E-Bay, I thought I'd share that I've bought a couple packs of plastic rats, for closer up shooting about 1" high, & 3" long, as well as a couple packs of plastic African safari animals, like 4" high, I thought these could be used at 50 - 100 yards, depending of the use of a scope, & or the shooters ability... this way I can finally go on that African Safari I always wanted to go on, & could never afford, & can take the lil guys with...

I also found several small plastic dinosaurs, that I thought about buying...

I think I'm going to make a couple shooting "tables" or target stands, out of some 3/16" steel plate, & some stubs of rebar sharpened on one end & welded to the corners of the plates, so they can be stepped in... I was originally thinking about 6" X 36" for multiple targets, but a hit to the table would likely topple the animals... now I'm thinking several 6" X 6" squares, spray painted white so I can put one animal on each plate, at varying distances... maybe a rolled, sticky side out, piece of duct tape would stick the animal base to the plate, so a solid hit would be required to "put the animal down"

thoughts ???
Can I come?? Please?? :D

Sounds like you'll have a great time.

I'd use double-sided carpet tape, or some other double-sticky tape, instead of duct tape, but other than that... dang, I wish I'd had a granddaddy like you.